File: demos/todomvc/node_modules/todomvc-common/base.css

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  Classes of Emmanuel Podvin   Blapy   demos/todomvc/node_modules/todomvc-common/base.css   Download  
File: demos/todomvc/node_modules/todomvc-common/base.css
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Blapy
jQuery plugin to load linked pages using AJAX
Author: By
Last change: Update of demos/todomvc/node_modules/todomvc-common/base.css
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 1,817 bytes


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hr { margin: 20px 0; border: 0; border-top: 1px dashed #c5c5c5; border-bottom: 1px dashed #f7f7f7; } .learn a { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; color: #b83f45; } .learn a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #787e7e; } .learn h3, .learn h4, .learn h5 { margin: 10px 0; font-weight: 500; line-height: 1.2; color: #000; } .learn h3 { font-size: 24px; } .learn h4 { font-size: 18px; } .learn h5 { margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 14px; } .learn ul { padding: 0; margin: 0 0 30px 25px; } .learn li { line-height: 20px; } .learn p { font-size: 15px; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.3; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } #issue-count { display: none; } .quote { border: none; margin: 20px 0 60px 0; } .quote p { font-style: italic; } .quote p:before { content: '?'; font-size: 50px; opacity: .15; position: absolute; top: -20px; left: 3px; } .quote p:after { content: '?'; font-size: 50px; opacity: .15; position: absolute; bottom: -42px; right: 3px; } .quote footer { position: absolute; bottom: -40px; right: 0; } .quote footer img { border-radius: 3px; } .quote footer a { margin-left: 5px; vertical-align: middle; } .speech-bubble { position: relative; padding: 10px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .04); border-radius: 5px; } .speech-bubble:after { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 100%; right: 30px; border: 13px solid transparent; border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .04); } .learn-bar > .learn { position: absolute; width: 272px; top: 8px; left: -300px; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .6); transition-property: left; transition-duration: 500ms; } @media (min-width: 899px) { .learn-bar { width: auto; padding-left: 300px; } .learn-bar > .learn { left: 8px; } }