File: js/content.js

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File: js/content.js
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Automatic Actions Management
Chrome extension to automate actions on pages
Author: By
Last change: Update of js/content.js
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 8,417 bytes


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(function() { 'use strict'; var item = null, files = [], infoDiv = document.createElement('div'), st = document.createElement('link'); infoDiv.className = 'AAM-info'; = 'AAM-styleSheet'; st.rel = 'stylesheet'; st.href = chrome.extension.getURL('css/aam-content-style.css'); /** * Try to run required action, based on settings array item * @param {object} f setting array item */ var ActionInterval = function(f) { var counter = 1; var timeInt = setInterval(function() { if (f.event === 2) { try { eval(files.find(function(fi) { return == f.selector }).content); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } else { var item = document.querySelector(f.selector); if (item) { if (f.event === 0) {; } else if (f.event === 1) { item.parentNode.removeChild(item); } counter = f.repeat; } } if (counter++ >= f.repeat) { clearInterval(timeInt); } }, f.timeout); }; /** * Retrieve full DOM path of HTMLELement * @param {HTMLElement} el * @return {string} */ function getDomPath(el) { if ( != '') { if (document.querySelectorAll('#'.concat( === 1) { return '#'.concat(; } } var path = []; while (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'html') { path.unshift(el.nodeName.concat(':nth-of-type(', ([][], function(f) { return el.nodeName == f.nodeName; }), el) + 1), ')').toLowerCase()); el = el.parentNode; } path.unshift('html'); return path.join(' > ').split(':nth-of-type(1)').join(''); } /** * Send Message to background.js for context menu creation * @param {object} loc */ function setContextMenu(loc) { chrome.extension.sendMessage({ order: 'setContextMenu', location: loc }, null); } /** * Run Actions management */ var startActionsManagement = function(state) {'scriptFiles', function(i) { files = i.scriptFiles; }); var obj = { protocol: window.location.protocol, host:, pathname: window.location.pathname };'isRunning', function(i) { if (i.isRunning) {'settings', function(i) { i.settings.filter(function(f) { return == && f.when === state; }).forEach(function(f) { if (f.state && obj.protocol.concat('//',, obj.pathname).indexOf(f.protocol.concat('//',, f.pathname)) != -1) { new ActionInterval(f); } }); }); } }); }; /** * Add EventListeners to window, window.document, chrome.extension */ function init() { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', startActionsManagement.bind(null, 0), false); window.addEventListener('load', startActionsManagement.bind(null, 1), false); window.document.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { if (e.button == 2) { if (item) { item.classList.remove('AAM-highlight'); } if (infoDiv) { infoDiv.remove(); } setContextMenu(window.location); item =; } }, false); /** * Recieve Message from background.js * And send response with obj parameter */ chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) { if (request.order == "SendInfoWithNormalSelection") { var obj = { protocol: window.location.protocol, host:, pathname: window.location.pathname, selector: getDomPath(item), when: 0, event: 0, repeat: 30, timeout: 300, state: true }; sendResponse(obj); } if (request.order == "SendInfoWithSpecialSelection") { window.removeEventListener('keyup', specialSelection, false); window.addEventListener('keyup', specialSelection, false); if (item) { document.querySelector('head').appendChild(st); item.classList.add('AAM-highlight'); infoDiv.innerHTML = createInfoDivContent(item.tagName,, item.className); document.querySelector('body').appendChild(infoDiv); } } }); } function specialSelection(e) { if (e.altKey && (e.keyCode === 81 || e.keyCode === 69)) { infoDiv.remove(); st.remove(); item.classList.remove('AAM-highlight'); window.removeEventListener('keyup', specialSelection); if (e.keyCode === 69) { var obj = { protocol: window.location.protocol, host:, pathname: window.location.pathname, selector: getDomPath(item), when: 0, event: 0, repeat: 30, timeout: 300, state: true }; chrome.extension.sendMessage({ order: 'setSpecialSelectedItem', item: obj }, null); } } if (item && e.altKey && e.keyCode === 87) { if (item.parentElement) { item.classList.remove('AAM-highlight'); item.parentElement.classList.add('AAM-highlight'); item = item.parentElement; } } if (item && e.altKey && e.keyCode === 83) { if (item.children[0]) { item.classList.remove('AAM-highlight'); item.children[0].classList.add('AAM-highlight'); item = item.children[0]; } } if (item && e.altKey && e.keyCode === 65) { if (item.previousElementSibling) { item.classList.remove('AAM-highlight'); item.previousElementSibling.classList.add('AAM-highlight'); item = item.previousElementSibling; } } if (item && e.altKey && e.keyCode === 68) { if (item.nextElementSibling) { item.classList.remove('AAM-highlight'); item.nextElementSibling.classList.add('AAM-highlight'); item = item.nextElementSibling; } } if (item) { infoDiv.innerHTML = createInfoDivContent(item.tagName,, item.className); } } function createInfoDivContent(tag, id, cls) { id = (id ? ' <span class="attr">id=</span><span class="txt">"' + id + '"</span>' : ''); cls = (cls.replace('AAM-highlight', '') ? ' <span class="attr">class=</span><span class="txt">"' + cls.replace('AAM-highlight', '') + '"</span>' : ''); return '<span class="tag">'.concat('&lt;', tag.toLowerCase(), '</span>', id, cls, '<span class="tag">&gt;</span>', '<span class="tag">&lt;/', tag.toLowerCase(), '&gt;</span>'); } return { Init: function() { init(); } }; })().Init();