File: sql.js

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File: sql.js
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Class: SQL
Compose and execute SQL queries with SQLite
Author: By
Last change: bug fix _esc =>SQL.Var
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 30,691 bytes


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var SQL, sprintf, _and, _create, _delete, _drop, _endsswith, _eq, _esc, _from, _gt, _in, _insert, _isnull, _like, _lt, _notin, _notnull, _or, _startswith, _unlike, _update; var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor; child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }; sprintf = function() { var a, doFormat, format, formatBaseX, formatString, i, justify, pad, regex; regex = /%%|%(\d+\$)?([-+\'#0 ]*)(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+)?(\.(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+))?([scboxXuidfegEG])/g; a = arguments; i = 0; format = a[i++]; pad = function(str, len, chr, leftJustify) { var padding; if (!chr) { chr = " "; } padding = (str.length >= len ? "" : Array(1 + len - str.length >>> 0).join(chr)); if (leftJustify) { return str + padding; } else { return padding + str; } }; justify = function(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, customPadChar) { var diff; diff = minWidth - value.length; if (diff > 0) { if (leftJustify || !zeroPad) { value = pad(value, minWidth, customPadChar, leftJustify); } else { value = value.slice(0, prefix.length) + pad("", diff, "0", true) + value.slice(prefix.length); } } return value; }; formatBaseX = function(value, base, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad) { var number; number = value >>> 0; prefix = prefix && number && { 2: "0b", 8: "0", 16: "0x" }; [ { base: base } ] || ""; value = prefix + pad(number.toString(base), precision || 0, "0", false); return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad); }; formatString = function(value, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, customPadChar) { if (precision != null) { value = value.slice(0, precision); } return justify(value, "", leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, customPadChar); }; doFormat = function(substring, valueIndex, flags, minWidth, _, precision, type) { var customPadChar, flagsl, j, leftJustify, method, number, positivePrefix, prefix, prefixBaseX, textTransform, value, zeroPad; number = void 0; prefix = void 0; method = void 0; textTransform = void 0; value = void 0; if (substring === "%%") { return "%"; } leftJustify = false; positivePrefix = ""; zeroPad = false; prefixBaseX = false; customPadChar = " "; flagsl = flags.length; j = 0; while (flags && j < flagsl) { switch (flags.charAt(j)) { case " ": positivePrefix = " "; break; case "+": positivePrefix = "+"; break; case "-": leftJustify = true; break; case "'": customPadChar = flags.charAt(j + 1); break; case "0": zeroPad = true; break; case "#": prefixBaseX = true; } j++; } if (!minWidth) { minWidth = 0; } else if (minWidth === "*") { minWidth = +a[i++]; } else if (minWidth.charAt(0) === "*") { minWidth = +a[minWidth.slice(1, -1)]; } else { minWidth = +minWidth; } if (minWidth < 0) { minWidth = -minWidth; leftJustify = true; } if (!isFinite(minWidth)) { throw new Error("sprintf: (minimum-)width must be finite"); } if (!precision) { precision = ("fFeE".indexOf(type) > -1 ? 6 : (type === "d" ? 0 : undefined)); } else if (precision === "*") { precision = +a[i++]; } else if (precision.charAt(0) === "*") { precision = +a[precision.slice(1, -1)]; } else { precision = +precision; } value = (valueIndex ? a[valueIndex.slice(0, -1)] : a[i++]); switch (type) { case "s": return formatString(String(value), leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, customPadChar); case "c": return formatString(String.fromCharCode(+value), leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad); case "b": return formatBaseX(value, 2, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad); case "o": return formatBaseX(value, 8, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad); case "x": return formatBaseX(value, 16, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad); case "X": return formatBaseX(value, 16, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad).toUpperCase(); case "u": return formatBaseX(value, 10, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad); case "i": case "d": number = (+value) | 0; prefix = (number < 0 ? "-" : positivePrefix); value = prefix + pad(String(Math.abs(number)), precision, "0", false); return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad); case "e": case "E": case "f": case "F": case "g": case "G": number = +value; prefix = (number < 0 ? "-" : positivePrefix); method = ["toExponential", "toFixed", "toPrecision"]["efg".indexOf(type.toLowerCase())]; textTransform = ["toString", "toUpperCase"]["eEfFgG".indexOf(type) % 2]; value = prefix + Math.abs(number)[method](precision); return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad)[textTransform](); default: return substring; } }; return format.replace(regex, doFormat); }; if (!SQL) { SQL = {}; } SQL.Node = (function() { Node.prototype.Command = null; function Node() {} Node.prototype.cast = function(value, valueType) { if (!value) { return 'NULL'; } if (value === 'NULL') { return 'NULL'; } else if (typeof value === 'number') { return value; } else if (typeof value === 'boolean' && value === 1) { return 1; } else if (typeof value === 'boolean' && value === 0) { return 0; } else if (value instanceof SQL.Junction) { return value.toString(); } else { return "'" + value + "'"; } }; return Node; })(); SQL.Var = (function() { function Var(name, value) { = name; this.value = value; if (this.value===null) { this.value = 1; } else if (this.value===false){ this.value = false; } else { this.value = 0; } } Var.prototype.toString = function() { if (this.value === 1) { return "'" + this.value + "'"; } else { if(this.value==false) return; return this.value; } }; return Var; })(); SQL.Struct = (function() { __extends(Struct, SQL.Node); = ''; Struct.prototype.value = ''; Struct.prototype.operator = '='; function Struct(name, value, operator) { = name; this.value = value; this.operator = operator; } Struct.prototype.toString = function() { var sql; sql = []; sql.push(; switch (this.operator) { case 'like': sql.push(sprintf("LIKE '%%%s%%'", this.value)); break; case 'unlike': sql.push(sprintf("NOT LIKE '%%%s%%'", this.value)); break; case 'startswith': sql.push(sprintf("LIKE '%s%%'", this.value)); break; case 'endswith': sql.push(sprintf("LIKE '%%%s'", this.value)); break; case 'in': sql.push(sprintf("IN %s", this.value.join(","))); break; case 'notin': sql.push(sprintf("NOT IN %s", this.value.join(","))); break; case 'isnull': sql.push("IS NULL"); break; case 'notnull': sql.push("IS NOT NULL"); break; default: sql.push(this.operator); sql.push(this.value); } return sql.join(" "); }; return Struct; })(); SQL.Join = (function() { __extends(Join, SQL.Node); Join.prototype.type = ''; = ''; Join.prototype.struct = ''; Join.prototype.statement = null; Join.prototype.alias = null; function Join(to, struct, operator, type) { = to; this.struct = struct; this.operator = operator; this.type = type; if (!operator) { this.operator = '='; } switch (type) { case 1: this.type = 'LEFT JOIN'; break; case 2: this.type = 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'; break; case 3: this.type = 'INNER JOIN'; break; case 4: this.type = 'CROSS JOIN'; break; default: this.type = 'JOIN'; } } Join.prototype.statement = function(statement, alias) { this.statement = statement; this.alias = alias; }; Join.prototype.toString = function() { var sql; sql = []; if (this.statement instanceof SQL.Select) { sql.push('('); sql.push(this.statement); sql.push("AS"); sql.push(this.alias); sql.push(')'); } else { sql.push(this.type); sql.push(; sql.push("ON"); sql.push(this.struct); } return sql.join(" "); }; return Join; })(); SQL.Junction = (function() { __extends(Junction, SQL.Node); function Junction() { Junction.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } Junction.prototype.Struct = null; return Junction; })(); SQL.And = (function() { __extends(And, SQL.Junction); And.prototype.Command = 'AND'; function And() { this.Struct = []; return this; } And.prototype.add = function(struct) { if (struct instanceof SQL.Struct) { this.Struct.push(struct); } else if (struct instanceof SQL.Junction) { this.Struct.push(struct); } return this; }; And.prototype.toString = function() { var sql, str, _i, _len, _ref; sql = []; if (this.Struct.length > 0) { _ref = this.Struct; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { str = _ref[_i]; sql.push('(' + str + ')'); } } return sql.join(' ' + this.Command + ' '); }; return And; })(); SQL.Or = (function() { __extends(Or, SQL.Junction); Or.prototype.Command = 'OR'; function Or() { this.Struct = []; return this; } Or.prototype.add = function(struct) { if (struct instanceof SQL.Struct) { this.Struct.push(struct); } else if (struct instanceof SQL.Junction) { this.Struct.push(struct); } return this; }; Or.prototype.toString = function() { var sql, str, _i, _len, _ref; sql = []; if (this.Struct.length > 0) { _ref = this.Struct; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { str = _ref[_i]; sql.push('(' + str + ')'); } } return sql.join(' ' + this.Command + ' '); }; return Or; })(); SQL.Select = (function() { __extends(Select, SQL.Node); Select.prototype.Command = 'SELECT'; Select.prototype.Distinct = null; Select.prototype.Columns = []; Select.prototype.Table = []; Select.prototype.Alias = null; Select.prototype.Joins = []; Select.prototype.Where = []; Select.prototype.Group = []; Select.prototype.Having = []; Select.prototype.Order = []; Select.prototype.Limit = []; function Select() { this.Distinct = null; this.Alias = null; this.Columns = []; this.Table = []; this.Joins = []; this.Group = []; this.Order = []; this.Limit = [0, 10]; return this; } Select.prototype.columns = function(Columns) { this.Columns = Columns; return this; }; Select.prototype.distinct = function() { this.Distinct = 'DISTINCT'; return this; }; Select.prototype.all = function() { this.Distinct = 'ALL'; return this; }; Select.prototype.from = function(from) { this.Table.push(from); return this; }; Select.prototype.alias = function(alias) { this.Alias = alias; return this; }; Select.prototype.left = function(name, struct, operator) { this.Joins.push(new SQL.Join(name, struct, operator, 1)); return this; }; Select.prototype.leftouter = function(name, struct, operator) { this.Joins.push(new SQL.Join(name, struct, operator, 2)); return this; }; Select.prototype.selectJoin = function(statement, alias) { var sm; sm = new SQL.Join(); sm.statement(statement, alias); this.Table.push(sm); return this; }; Select.prototype.inner = function(name, struct) { this.Joins.push(new SQL.Join(name, struct, operator, 3)); return this; }; Select.prototype.cross = function(name, struct) { this.Joins.push(new SQL.Join(name, struct, operator, 4)); return this; }; Select.prototype.where = function(where) { this.Where = where; return this; }; = function(group) { this.Group.push(group); return this; }; Select.prototype.having = function(having) { this.Having = having; return this; }; Select.prototype.order = function(name, dir) { if (!dir) { dir = 'ASC'; } else { dir = 'DESC'; } this.Order.push(name + " " + dir); return this; }; Select.prototype.limit = function(offset, limit) { if (typeof limit !== "undefined") { this.Limit.push(offset); this.Limit.push(limit); } else { this.Limit.push(offset); this.Limit.push(10); } return this; }; Select.prototype.toString = function() { var col, join, mc, mf, sql, ssql, table, _i, _len, _ref; sql = []; sql.push(this.Command); if (this.Distinct) { sql.push(this.Distinct); } if (this.Columns.length > 0) { ssql = []; mc = (function() { var _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = this.Columns; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { col = _ref[_i]; _results.push(col instanceof SQL.Select ? ssql.push('(' + col + ') AS ' + col.Alias) : ssql.push(col)); } return _results; }).call(this); sql.push(ssql.join(",")); } else { sql.push('*'); } sql.push('FROM'); if (this.Table.length > 0) { ssql = []; mf = (function() { var _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = this.Table; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { table = _ref[_i]; _results.push(table instanceof SQL.Select ? ssql.push('(' + table + ') AS ' + table.Alias) : void 0); } return _results; }).call(this); if (ssql.length > 0) { sql.push(ssql.join(",")); } else { sql.push(this.Table.join(",")); } } if (this.Joins.length > 0) { _ref = this.Joins; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { join = _ref[_i]; sql.push('(' + join + ')'); } } if (this.Where instanceof SQL.Junction) { sql.push('WHERE'); sql.push(this.Where.toString()); } else if (this.Where instanceof SQL.Struct) { sql.push('WHERE'); sql.push(this.Where.toString()); } if (this.Group.length > 0) { sql.push("GROUP BY"); sql.push(this.Group.join(",")); } if (this.Having instanceof SQL.Junction) { sql.push('HAVING'); sql.push(this.Having.toString()); } else if (this.Having instanceof SQL.Struct) { sql.push('HAVING'); sql.push(this.Having.toString()); } if (this.Order.length > 0) { sql.push("ORDER BY"); sql.push(this.Order.join(",")); } if (this.Limit.length === 2) { sql.push("LIMIT"); sql.push(this.Limit.pop()); sql.push("OFFSET"); sql.push(this.Limit.pop()); } return sql.join(' '); }; return Select; })(); SQL.Insert = (function() { __extends(Insert, SQL.Node); Insert.prototype.Command = 'INSERT'; Insert.prototype.Table = []; Insert.prototype.Columns = []; Insert.prototype.Values = []; Insert.prototype.Or = []; function Insert() { this.Or = null; this.Columns = []; this.Values = []; this.Table = []; return this; } Insert.prototype.rollback = function() { this.type("rollback"); return this; }; Insert.prototype.abort = function() { this.type("abort"); return this; }; Insert.prototype.replace = function() { this.type("replace"); return this; }; = function() { this.type("fail"); return this; }; Insert.prototype.ignore = function() { this.type("ignore"); return this; }; Insert.prototype.type = function(type) { switch (type) { case "rollback": case "abort": case "replace": case "fail": case "ignore": this.Or = type.toUpperCase(); break; default: this.Or = null; } return this; }; Insert.prototype.into = function(table) { this.table = table; return this; }; Insert.prototype.columns = function(Columns) { this.Columns = Columns; return this; }; Insert.prototype.values = function(Values) { this.Values.push(Values); return this; }; Insert.prototype.toString = function() { var sql, ssql, sssql, val, vals, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref; sql = []; sql.push(this.Command); if (this.Or) { sql.push("OR"); sql.push(this.Or); } sql.push("INTO"); sql.push(this.table); if (this.Columns.length > 0) { sql.push("("); sql.push(this.Columns.join(",")); sql.push(")"); } if (this.Values.length > 0) { ssql = []; sql.push('VALUES'); _ref = this.Values; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { vals = _ref[_i]; sssql = []; for (_j = 0, _len2 = vals.length; _j < _len2; _j++) { val = vals[_j]; sssql.push(this.cast(val)); } ssql.push("(" + sssql.join(",") + ")"); } sql.push(ssql.join(",")); } else { sql.push("DEFAULT VALUES"); } return sql.join(' '); }; return Insert; })(); SQL.Update = (function() { __extends(Update, SQL.Node); Update.prototype.Command = 'UPDATE'; Update.prototype.Table = []; Update.prototype.Columns = []; Update.prototype.Values = []; Update.prototype.Or = []; Update.prototype.Where = []; Update.prototype.Order = []; Update.prototype.Limit = []; function Update() { this.Or = null; this.Columns = []; this.Values = []; this.Table = []; this.Order = []; this.Limit = []; return this; } Update.prototype.rollback = function() { this.type("rollback"); return this; }; Update.prototype.abort = function() { this.type("abort"); return this; }; Update.prototype.replace = function() { this.type("replace"); return this; }; = function() { this.type("fail"); return this; }; Update.prototype.ignore = function() { this.type("ignore"); return this; }; Update.prototype.type = function(type) { switch (type) { case "rollback": case "abort": case "replace": case "fail": case "ignore": this.Or = type.toUpperCase(); break; default: this.Or = null; } return this; }; Update.prototype.table = function(table) { this.table = table; return this; }; Update.prototype.where = function(where) { this.Where = where; return this; }; Update.prototype.column = function(name) { this.Columns.push(name); return this; }; Update.prototype.columns = function(Columns) { this.Columns = Columns; return this; }; Update.prototype.values = function(Values) { this.Values.push(Values); return this; }; Update.prototype.value = function(Value) { this.Values.push(Value); return this; }; Update.prototype.order = function(name, dir) { if (!dir) { dir = 'ASC'; } else { dir = 'DESC'; } this.Order.push(name + " " + dir); return this; }; Update.prototype.limit = function(offset, limit) { if (typeof limit !== "undefined") { this.Limit.push(offset); this.Limit.push(limit); } else { this.Limit.push(offset); this.Limit.push(1); } return this; }; Update.prototype.toString = function() { var col, i, sql, ssql, _i, _len, _ref; sql = []; sql.push(this.Command); if (this.Or) { sql.push("OR"); sql.push(this.Or); } sql.push(this.table); if (this.Columns.length > 0) { sql.push("SET"); ssql = []; i = 0; _ref = this.Columns; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { col = _ref[_i]; ssql.push(col + "=" + this.cast(this.Values[i])); i++; } sql.push(ssql.join(",")); } if (this.Where instanceof SQL.Junction) { sql.push('WHERE'); sql.push(this.Where.toString()); } else if (this.Where instanceof SQL.Struct) { sql.push('WHERE'); sql.push(this.Where.toString()); } if (this.Order.length > 0) { sql.push("ORDER BY"); sql.push(this.Order.join(",")); } if (this.Limit.length === 2) { sql.push("LIMIT"); sql.push(this.Limit.pop()); sql.push("OFFSET"); sql.push(this.Limit.pop()); } return sql.join(' '); }; return Update; })(); SQL.Delete = (function() { __extends(Delete, SQL.Node); Delete.prototype.Command = 'DELETE'; Delete.prototype.Table = []; Delete.prototype.Where = []; Delete.prototype.Order = []; Delete.prototype.Limit = []; function Delete() { this.Table = []; this.Order = []; this.Limit = []; return this; } Delete.prototype.from = function(Table) { this.Table = Table; return this; }; Delete.prototype.where = function(where) { this.Where = where; return this; }; Delete.prototype.order = function(name, dir) { if (!dir) { dir = 'ASC'; } else { dir = 'DESC'; } this.Order.push(name + " " + dir); return this; }; Delete.prototype.limit = function(offset, limit) { if (typeof limit !== "undefined") { this.Limit.push(offset); this.Limit.push(limit); } else { this.Limit.push(offset); this.Limit.push(1); } return this; }; Delete.prototype.toString = function() { var sql; sql = []; sql.push(this.Command); sql.push(this.Table); if (this.Where instanceof SQL.Junction) { sql.push('WHERE'); sql.push(this.Where.toString()); } else if (this.Where instanceof SQL.Struct) { sql.push('WHERE'); sql.push(this.Where.toString()); } if (this.Order.length > 0) { sql.push("ORDER BY"); sql.push(this.Order.join(",")); } if (this.Limit.length === 2) { sql.push("LIMIT"); sql.push(this.Limit.pop()); sql.push("OFFSET"); sql.push(this.Limit.pop()); } return sql.join(' '); }; return Delete; })(); SQL.Type = (function() { __extends(Type, SQL.Node); Type.prototype.Name = null; Type.prototype._type = null; Type.prototype._primary = null; Type.prototype._notnull = null; Type.prototype._unique = null; function Type(Name) { this.Name = Name; return this; } Type.prototype.type = function(t, n, d) { switch (t) { case "numeric": case "integer": case "smallint": case "tinyint": case "mediumint": case "bigint": case "int2": case "int8": t = "INTEGER"; break; case "string": case "text": case "nchar": case "varchar": case "char": case "clob": case "character": case "native character": case "nvarchar": t = "TEXT"; break; case "double": case "float": case "double precision": case "real": t = "REAL"; break; case "blob": t = "NONE"; break; case "decimal": case "boolean": case "date": case "datetime": case "numeric": t = "NUMERIC"; break; default: t = null; } if (n && d) { t + sprintf("(%d,%d)", n, d); } else if (n && !d) { t + sprintf("(%d)", n); } this._type = t; return this; }; Type.prototype._onConflict = function(type) { var s; s = "ON CONFLICT "; switch (type) { case "rollback": case "abort": case "fail": case "ignore": case "replace": return s + type.toUpperCase(); } }; Type.prototype.primary = function(auto, dir, conflict) { var a, p, pk; p = "PRIMARY KEY"; a = "AUTOINCREMENT"; pk = p + " " + (dir === "asc" || dir === "desc" ? this.cast(dir) : ''); if (auto && conflict) { pk = pk + this._onConflict(conflict) + " " + a; } else if (!auto && conflict) { pk = pk + this._onConflict(conflict); } else if (auto && !conflict) { pk = pk + " " + a; } this._primary = pk; return this; }; Type.prototype.notnull = function(conflict) { var s; s = "NOT NULL"; if (conflict) { s = s + this._onConflict(conflict); } this._notnull = s; return this; }; Type.prototype.unique = function(conflict) { var s; s = "UNIQUE"; if (conflict) { s = s + this._onConflict(conflict); } this._unique = s; return this; }; Type.prototype.toString = function() { var sql; sql = this.Name; sql += this._type ? " " + this._type : ''; sql += this._primary ? " " + this._primary : ''; sql += this._notnull ? " " + this._notnull : ''; sql += this._unique ? " " + this._unique : ''; return sql; }; return Type; })(); SQL.Drop = (function() { __extends(Drop, SQL.Node); function Drop() { Drop.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } Drop.prototype.Command = 'DROP'; return Drop; })(); SQL.Drop.Table = (function() { var Exist; __extends(Table, SQL.Drop); Table.prototype.CommandType = 'TABLE'; Exist = false; function Table(Table) { this.Table = Table; this.Columns = []; } Table.prototype.exists = function() { this.Exist = true; return this; }; Table.prototype.toString = function() { var sql; sql = []; sql.push(this.Command); sql.push(this.CommandType); if (this.Exist) { sql.push("IF EXISTS"); } sql.push(this.Table); return sql.join(" "); }; return Table; })(); SQL.Create = (function() { __extends(Create, SQL.Node); function Create() { Create.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } Create.prototype.Command = 'CREATE'; return Create; })(); SQL.Create.Table = (function() { var Exist, Temp; __extends(Table, SQL.Create); Table.prototype.CommandType = 'TABLE'; Temp = null; Exist = true; Table; Table.prototype.Statement = null; Table.prototype.Columns = []; Table.prototype.notexists = function() { this.Exist = false; return this; }; function Table(Table) { this.Table = Table; this.Columns = []; return this; } Table.prototype.column = function(type) { if (type instanceof SQL.Type) { this.Columns.push(type); console.log(this) } return this; }; Table.prototype.statement = function(Statement) { this.Statement = Statement; return this; }; Table.prototype.toString = function() { var column, sql, ssql, _i, _len, _ref; sql = []; sql.push(this.Command); if (Temp) { sql.push("TEMP"); } sql.push(this.CommandType); if (!this.Exist) { sql.push("IF NOT EXISTS"); } sql.push(this.Table); if (this.statement instanceof SQL.Select) { sql.push("AS"); sql.push(this.statement); } else if (this.Columns.length > 0) { ssql = []; _ref = this.Columns; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { column = _ref[_i]; ssql.push(column); } sql.push("(" + ssql.join(",") + ")"); } return sql.join(" "); }; return Table; })(); _drop = function(table) { return new SQL.Drop.Table(table).exists(); }; _create = function(table) { return new SQL.Create.Table(table).notexists(); }; _delete = function(table) { return new SQL.Delete().from(table); }; _insert = function(table) { return new SQL.Insert().into(table); }; _update = function(table) { return new SQL.Update().table(table); }; _from = function(from) { return new SQL.Select().from(from); }; _type = function(name) { var r = new SQL.Type(name); return r; }; _and = function() { return new SQL.And(); }; _or = function() { return new SQL.Or; }; _eq = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, '='); }; _gt = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, '>'); }; _lt = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, '<'); }; _in = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, 'in'); }; _notin = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, 'notin'); }; _like = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, 'like'); }; _unlike = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, 'unlike'); }; _startswith = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, 'startswith'); }; _endswith = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, 'endswith'); }; _isnull = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, 'isnull'); }; _notnull = function(n, v) { return new SQL.Struct(n, v, 'notnull'); }; _esc = function(v) { return new SQL.Var(v, false); };