File: MKVInfo.js

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  Classes of Dantigny francois   Javascript MKV Parser   MKVInfo.js   Download  
File: MKVInfo.js
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main class
Class: Javascript MKV Parser
JavaSParse and extract informationcript MKV Parser
Author: By
Last change: Update MKVInfo.js
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 44,025 bytes


Class file image Download
/** * MKVInfo * v 5.0 2020/12/12 * 2020/12/20 rebug date : lastModifiedDate (deprecate) => lastModified ET remontée du nombre d'accès disque * rajouter tags 55b0- 55bd + quelques contrôles permettant de remonter les erreurs rencontrées sur de mauvais fichiers :-) * v 6.0 2021/02/11 rebug : cas de Jodorowsky's Dune (Element de type 'm' - Master - et de dataSize = 0 : ContentCompression en l'occurence) cas de Trahie : multiples éléments de type 'info' avec 1 seul possédant 'duration' * v 7.0 2022/11/26 rebug : cas de Enola Holmes 2 : rajout de tags manquants * v 8.0 2022/11/27 aucun bug mais décision d'intégrer tous les tags selon ref 4 ci-dessous EN conservant les anciens ! * Documentation : * * * * <-- liste des tags * * * * * * * */ "use strict"; var mkv = function(opts, fcb) { var info = {}; info.file = opts; info.filesize = info.file.size; info.filename =; info.filedate = info.file.lastModified; info.offset = 0; info.tracks = []; info.JUNKS = []; // for stocking JUNKS boxes to be devared after replacing values ! info.noVal = []; // for stocking boxes where values not obtained during boxes parsing info.lengthmax = 128; // could be adapted !! info.nbboucleslect = 0; // number of acces to var MKVebml = {}; MKVebml.parse = async function(fcb) { var schema = { "42f2": { "name": "EBMLMaxIDLength", "type": "u"}, "42f3": { "name": "EBMLMaxSizeLength", "type": "u"}, "18538067": { "name": "Segment", "type": "m"}, "114d9b74": { "name": "SeekHead", "type": "m"}, "4dbb": { "name": "Seek", "type": "m"}, "53ab": { "name": "SeekID", "type": "b"}, "53ac": { "name": "SeekPosition", "type": "u"}, "1549a966": { "name": "Info", "type": "m"}, "73a4": { "name": "SegmentUUID", "type": "b"}, "7384": { "name": "SegmentFilename", "type": "8"}, "3cb923": { "name": "PrevUUID", "type": "b"}, "3c83ab": { "name": "PrevFilename", "type": "8"}, "3eb923": { "name": "NextUUID", "type": "b"}, "3e83bb": { "name": "NextFilename", "type": "8"}, "4444": { "name": "SegmentFamily", "type": "b"}, "6924": { "name": "ChapterTranslate", "type": "m"}, "69a5": { "name": "ChapterTranslateID", "type": "b"}, "69bf": { "name": "ChapterTranslateCodec", "type": "u"}, "69fc": { "name": "ChapterTranslateEditionUID", "type": "u"}, "2ad7b1": { "name": "TimestampScale", "type": "u"}, "4489": { "name": "Duration", "type": "f"}, "4461": { "name": "DateUTC", "type": "d"}, "7ba9": { "name": "Title", "type": "8"}, "4d80": { "name": "MuxingApp", "type": "8"}, "5741": { "name": "WritingApp", "type": "8"}, "1f43b675": { "name": "Cluster", "type": "m"}, "e7": { "name": "Timestamp", "type": "u"}, "5854": { "name": "SilentTracks", "type": "m"}, "58d7": { "name": "SilentTrackNumber", "type": "u"}, "a7": { "name": "Position", "type": "u"}, "ab": { "name": "PrevSize", "type": "u"}, "a3": { "name": "SimpleBlock", "type": "b"}, "a0": { "name": "BlockGroup", "type": "m"}, "a1": { "name": "Block", "type": "b"}, "a2": { "name": "BlockVirtual", "type": "b"}, "75a1": { "name": "BlockAdditions", "type": "m"}, "a6": { "name": "BlockMore", "type": "m"}, "a5": { "name": "BlockAdditional", "type": "b"}, "ee": { "name": "BlockAddID", "type": "u"}, "9b": { "name": "BlockDuration", "type": "u"}, "fa": { "name": "ReferencePriority", "type": "u"}, "fb": { "name": "ReferenceBlock", "type": "i"}, "fd": { "name": "ReferenceVirtual", "type": "i"}, "a4": { "name": "CodecState", "type": "b"}, "75a2": { "name": "DiscardPadding", "type": "i"}, "8e": { "name": "Slices", "type": "m"}, "e8": { "name": "TimeSlice", "type": "m"}, "cc": { "name": "LaceNumber", "type": "u"}, "cd": { "name": "FrameNumber", "type": "u"}, "cb": { "name": "BlockAdditionID", "type": "u"}, "ce": { "name": "Delay", "type": "u"}, "cf": { "name": "SliceDuration", "type": "u"}, "c8": { "name": "ReferenceFrame", "type": "m"}, "c9": { "name": "ReferenceOffset", "type": "u"}, "ca": { "name": "ReferenceTimestamp", "type": "u"}, "af": { "name": "EncryptedBlock", "type": "b"}, "1654ae6b": { "name": "Tracks", "type": "m"}, "ae": { "name": "TrackEntry", 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"44b4": { "name": "TagDefaultBogus", "type": "u"}, "4487": { "name": "TagString", "type": "8"}, "4485": { "name": "TagBinary", "type": "b"}, //---------------------- old tags voir ebml.db -------------------------// "4282": { "name": "DocType", "type": "s"}, "4285": { "name": "DocTypeReadVersion", "type": "u"}, "4286": { "name": "EBMLVersion", "type": "u"}, "4287": { "name": "DocTypeVersion", "type": "u"}, "6532": { "name": "SignedElement", "type": "b"}, "2ad7b2": { "name": "TimecodeScaleDenominator", "type": "u"}, "7e7b": { "name": "SignatureElementList", "type": "m"}, "7e5b": { "name": "SignatureElements", "type": "m"}, "7eb5": { "name": "Signature", "type": "b"}, "7ea5": { "name": "SignaturePublicKey", "type": "b"}, "7e9a": { "name": "SignatureHash", "type": "u"}, "7e8a": { "name": "SignatureAlgo", "type": "u"}, "1b538667": { "name": "SignatureSlot", "type": "m"}, "bf": { "name": "CRC-32", "type": "b"}, "ec": { "name": "Void", "type": "b"}, "42f7": { "name": "EBMLReadVersion", "type": "u"}, "1a45dfa3": { "name": "EBML", "type": "m"} }; // definition de schema function singleprec(val) { var sig, exp, mexp, mant, nmant, tmp; // 1, 8, 23 sig = parseInt(val / Math.pow(2, 31)); exp = parseInt(val / Math.pow(2, 23)) - (sig * Math.pow(2, 9)); mant = val - (exp * Math.pow(2, 23)) - (sig * Math.pow(2, 31)); nmant = mant.toString(2); tmp = 1; for (var k = 0; k < nmant.length; k++) { if (nmant[nmant.length - 1 - k] == '1') { tmp += Math.pow(2, -23 + k); } } nmant = tmp; mexp = exp.toString(2); tmp = 0; for (var k = 0; k < mexp.length; k++) { if (mexp[mexp.length - 1 - k] == '1') { tmp += Math.pow(2, k); } } mexp = tmp; tmp = Math.pow(2, mexp - 127) * nmant; if (sig == 1) tmp = -tmp; return tmp; } // singleprec function doubleprec(val) { // 1, 11, 52 var sig, exp, mexp, mant, nmant, tmp; sig = parseInt(val / Math.pow(2, 63)); exp = parseInt(val / Math.pow(2, 52)) - (sig * Math.pow(2, 12)); mant = val - (exp * Math.pow(2, 52)) - (sig * Math.pow(2, 63)); nmant = mant.toString(2); tmp = 1; for (var k = 0; k < nmant.length; k++) { if (nmant[nmant.length - 1 - k] == '1') { tmp += Math.pow(2, -52 + k); } } nmant = tmp; mexp = exp.toString(2); tmp = 0; for (var k = 0; k < mexp.length; k++) { if (mexp[mexp.length - 1 - k] == '1') { tmp += Math.pow(2, k); } } mexp = tmp; tmp = Math.pow(2, mexp - 1024) * nmant; if (sig == 1) tmp = -tmp; return tmp; } // doubleprec function litHex(buffer, pos, nb) { if ((pos + nb <= buffer.byteLength) && (pos >= 0) && (nb >= 0)) { var id = []; for (var i = pos; i < pos + nb; i++) { var tmp = buffer.getUint8(i).toString(16); if (tmp.length == 1) tmp = '0' + tmp; id.push(tmp); } return id.join(""); } else { console.log(JSON.stringify(info)); console.log('Problème taille de buffer'); fcb('le buffer est trop petit'); } } // litHex function litCar(buffer, pos, nb) { if ((pos + nb <= buffer.byteLength) && (pos >= 0) && (nb >= 0)) { var id = []; for (var i = pos; i < pos + nb; i++) { id.push(String.fromCharCode(buffer.getUint8(i))); } return decodeURIComponent(escape(id.join(""))); } else { console.log(JSON.stringify(info)); console.log('Problème taille de buffer'); fcb('le buffer est trop petit'); } } // litCar async function compvareval(ind, Boxes) { var offset = info.noVal[ind].offset; var type = info.noVal[ind].type; var nbB = info.noVal[ind].nbB; info.nbboucleslect++; var partie = info.file.slice(offset, offset + nbB); //console.log('Accès fichier avec offset='+offset); var tmpblob = new Response(partie); var buffer = await tmpblob.arrayBuffer(); // ça passe ??? var buffv = new DataView(buffer); if (nbB < info.lengthmax) { if (type == "s" || type == "8") { var tmp = litCar(buffv, 0, nbB); info.noVal[ind].value = tmp; } if (type == "b") { info.noVal[ind].value = litHex(buffv, 0, nbB).toUpperCase(); } } else { info.noVal[ind].value = "Too long, sorry !"; } return false; } // compvareval function purgeboxesJUNKS(Boxes) { for (var i = info.JUNKS.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { var orgaJunks = info.JUNKS[i].split("-"); var myBoxe = Boxes[0]; for (var k = 1; k < orgaJunks.length - 1; k++) { myBoxe = myBoxe.children[orgaJunks[k]]; } var arrayBox = []; for (var u = 0; u < myBoxe.children.length; u++) { if (u != orgaJunks[orgaJunks.length - 1]) arrayBox.push(myBoxe.children[u]); } myBoxe.children = []; for (var v = 0; v < arrayBox.length; v++) myBoxe.children.push(arrayBox[v]); } return Boxes; } // purgeboxesJUNKS function readAtoms(buffer) { var start = 0; for (var length = 1; length <= 8; length++) { if (buffer.getUint8(start) >= Math.pow(2, 8 - length)) { break; } } if (length > nbB) { // theorical impossible fcb("Unrepresentable length: " + length + " 0x" + litHex(buffer, start, length) + " at offset : " + info.offset); } var value = buffer.getUint8(start) & (1 << (8 - length)) - 1; for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { if (i === 7) { if (value >= Math.pow(2, 53 - 8) && buffer.getUint8(start + 7) > 0) { fcb(' Error 1') } } value *= Math.pow(2, 8); value += buffer.getUint8(start + i); } var tagStr = litHex(buffer, 0, length); if (schema[tagStr] === undefined) { console.log(JSON.stringify(info)); console.log('le tag ' + tagStr + ' absent de schema'); fcb('le tag ' + tagStr + ' absent de schema'); } var tagObj = { tag: value, tagStr: tagStr, type: schema[tagStr].type, name: schema[tagStr].name, start: info.offset, next: length // next position in the buffer }; /* debug ------------------------------------------- */ //if (schema[tagStr].name == 'ContentCompression'){ // var trc=5; //} var start = length; // offset in buffer of dataSize for (var length = 1; length <= 8; length++) { if (buffer.getUint8(start) >= Math.pow(2, 8 - length)) { break; } } if (length + > nbB) { fcb("Unrepresentable length: " + length + " 0x" + litHex(buffer, start, length) + " at offset : " + info.offset + start); } else { += length; } var value = buffer.getUint8(start) & (1 << (8 - length)) - 1; for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { if (i === 7) { if (value >= Math.pow(2, 53 - 8) && buffer.getUint8(start + 7) > 0) { fcb(' Error 2') } } value *= Math.pow(2, 8); value += buffer.getUint8(start + i); } tagObj.dataSize = value; // lecture contenu / readContent types : "m" : Master, "u" : unsigned int, "i" : signed int, "s" : string, "8" : UTF-8 string, "b" : binary, "f" : float, "d" : date if (tagObj.type != "m") { if (start + value + tagObj.dataSize <= nbB) { if (tagObj.type == "b") { tagObj.value = litHex(buffer,, tagObj.dataSize).toUpperCase(); } else { if (tagObj.type == "d") { var nbnano = (buffer.getUint32(, false) * (1 << 16) * (1 << 16)) + buffer.getUint32( + 4, false); tagObj.value = new Date(nbnano / 1000000 + 978307200000); } else { if (tagObj.type == "s" || tagObj.type == "8") { tagObj.value = litCar(buffer,, tagObj.dataSize); } else { if (tagObj.type == "b") { tagObj.value = litHex(buffer,, tagObj.dataSize); } else { // "u", "i" or "f" tagObj.value = 0; for (var u = 0; u < tagObj.dataSize; u++) { tagObj.value += Math.pow(2, 8 * (tagObj.dataSize - 1 - u)) * buffer.getUint8( + u); } if (tagObj.type == "f") { if (tagObj.dataSize == 4) { tagObj.value = singleprec(tagObj.value); } else { tagObj.value = doubleprec(tagObj.value); } } else { // 'i' if (tagObj.value > Math.pow(2, (8 * tagObj.dataSize) - 1)) { tagObj.value -= Math.pow(2, 8 * tagObj.dataSize); } } } } } } } info.offset = info.offset + + tagObj.dataSize; } else { //tag.type = "m" tagObj.children = []; info.offset = info.offset +; } tagObj.nextoffset = tagObj.start + + tagObj.dataSize; var boxmother = Boxes[0]; for (var k = 1; k < ascendance.length; k++) { boxmother = boxmother.children[ascendance[k]]; } boxmother.children.push(tagObj); ascendance.push(boxmother.children.length - 1); // save in info.noVal values not obtained because buffer too small / On sauvegarde temporairement les valeurs non obtenues car buffer trop petit // Ne devrait plus pouvoir être le cas depuis v8 car Void ne fait plus partie de la liste des tags if ((tagObj.type != "m") && (typeof tagObj.value === 'undefined') && ( != 'Void')) { var tmp = {}; =; tmp.type = tagObj.type; tmp.nbB = tagObj.dataSize; tmp.offset = tagObj.start +; tmp.ascendance = ascendance.join("-"); info.noVal.push(tmp); } if ( == 'Void') { // on place de côté l'ascendance des boites "VOID" info.JUNKS.push(ascendance.join("-")); } if ((tagObj.type != "m") || ((tagObj.type == 'm') && (tagObj.dataSize == 0))){ // Which box is the next mother ? / Quelle boite est la prochaine mère ? ascendance.pop(); // ascendance points to boxmere while ((boxmother.nextoffset == info.offset) && (ascendance.length > 1)) { // ascendance.pop(); boxmother = Boxes[0]; for (var k = 1; k < ascendance.length; k++) { boxmother = boxmother.children[ascendance[k]]; } } } else { if (( == 'Cues') || ( == 'Cluster') || ( == "Tags") || ( == "Chapters") || ( == "SeekHead")) { //if (( == 'Cues') || ( == "Tags") || ( == "Chapters") || ( == "SeekHead")) { // we skip ! info.offset = tagObj.nextoffset; boxmother.children.pop(); ascendance.pop(); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Initialisation : déclaration des globales à parse -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ info.offset = 0; var nbBoucles = 0; var ascendance = [0]; var Boxes = []; var mere = {}; mere.start = 0; mere.nextoffset = info.filesize; = "OldMammy"; mere.children = []; Boxes.push(mere); nbBoucles = 0; var nbB; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Boucle principale de lecture des "atomes" du fichier .mkv (ou .webm) Elle crée et enrichit les structures Boxes et ascendance -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //async function boucleP(){ while (info.offset < info.filesize) { var nbBtoRead = info.filesize - info.offset; var nbB = Math.min(20, nbBtoRead); var partie = info.file.slice(info.offset, info.offset + nbB); info.nbboucleslect++; var tmpblob = new Response(partie); //console.log('Accès fichier avec offset='+info.offset); var buffer = await tmpblob.arrayBuffer(); // ça passe !!! var buffv = new DataView(buffer); readAtoms(buffv); nbBoucles += 1; } //console.log(JSON.stringify(Boxes)); //FOR DEBUGGING /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Traitement de nettoyage des info.noVal, de création des atoms[] et de mise en clair dans info ----------------------------------------------------------- */ var atoms = []; var nbBtoRead = info.filesize - info.offset; var nbB = Math.min(20, nbBtoRead); if (info.noVal.length > 0) { // Détermination des valeurs "hors cadres" dans la structure info.noVal // Peut-être directement enregistrées dans Boxes auparavant ?? à voir ! info.ind = 0; while (info.ind < info.noVal.length) { await compvareval(info.ind, Boxes); info.ind += 1; } // Mise à jour dans Boxes des valeurs stockées dans info.noVal On peut, dès lors, se passer de info.noVal après coup ! for (var k = 0; k < info.noVal.length; k++) { var boxe = Boxes[0]; var ascendance = info.noVal[k].ascendance.split("-"); for (var i = 1; i < ascendance.length; i++) { boxe = boxe.children[ascendance[i]]; } boxe.value = info.noVal[k].value; } //console.log(JSON.stringify(info.noVal)); //FOR DEBUGGING //console.log(JSON.stringify(info.JUNKS)); //FOR DEBUGGING Boxes = purgeboxesJUNKS(Boxes); info.JUNKS = []; info.noVal = []; // transfert (??) des Boxes vers atoms ! En fait, après coup, Atoms <= Boxes (intérêt ?) for (var v = 0; v < Boxes[0].children.length; v++) atoms.push(Boxes[0].children[v]); Boxes = null; // analysis of atoms and compvare info : info.isEBML = -1; info.isSegment = -1; info.isInfo = -1; info.isTracks = -1; info.typemovie = "matroska"; // default info.isDuration = -1; // ira stocker l'indice du bon élément de type info possédant cette propriété ! ( v6 ) // Stocke dans info.isEBML et info.isSegment les numéros (s'ils existent) des 2 branches correspondantes de la structure atoms // Si l'une ou l'autre de ces 2 branches n'existait pas, info.isEBML et/ou info.isSegment resterait à la valeur -1 for (var k = 0; k < atoms.length; k++) { if (atoms[k].name == "EBML") info.isEBML = k; // ascendance 0-0 if (atoms[k].name == "Segment") info.isSegment = k; // ascendance 0-1 } // ... et donc l'une ou l'autre de ces deux boucles 'for' ne se réaliserait pas // précise - en fait - le nombre de pistes correspondantes à Info et Tracks de la même manière que EBML et Segment ont été // mis à jour dans info for (var k = 0; k < atoms[info.isSegment].children.length; k++) { if (atoms[info.isSegment].children[k].name == 'Info') { info.isInfo = k; // Il y-a-t-il duration ? var tmpinfo = atoms[info.isSegment].children[k]; for (var nb=0; nb < tmpinfo.children.length; nb++){ if (tmpinfo.children[nb].name == 'Duration'){ info.isDuration = k; info.dureeS = parseInt(tmpinfo.children[nb].value) / 1000; // seconds } } } if (atoms[info.isSegment].children[k].name == 'Tracks') info.isTracks = k; } // va rechercher, s'il existe, le DocType (normalement matroska ou webM) et met à jour l'information info.typemovie // initialisée à matroska (au cas ou on serait en face d'un .webM) for (var k = 0; k < atoms[info.isEBML].children.length; k++) { if (atoms[info.isEBML].children[k].name == 'DocType') info.typemovie = atoms[info.isEBML].children[k].value; } // ATTENTION : présuppose que isSegment > -1 ainsi que isInfo > -1 mais, si tel est le cas, atominfo pointe sur // l'atom correspondant ! Du coup met à jour dans info les 4 caractèristiques principales SI ELLES EXISTENT var atominfo = atoms[info.isSegment].children[info.isInfo]; for (var k = 0; k < atominfo.children.length; k++) { if (atominfo.children[k].name == 'WritingApp') info.Creator = atominfo.children[k].value; if (atominfo.children[k].name == 'MuxingApp') info.WritingLibrary = atominfo.children[k].value; //if (atominfo.children[k].name == 'Duration') info.dureeS = parseInt(atominfo.children[k].value) / 1000; // seconds if (atominfo.children[k].name == 'SegmentUID') info.UID = atominfo.children[k].value; } // de la même manière, SI isSegment et isTrack sont > -1 ... var atomtracks = atoms[info.isSegment].children[info.isTracks]; // Considère que les "trackEntry" ne peuvent être que filles de Tracks (puisque info.isTracks = k) for (var k = 0; k < atomtracks.children.length; k++) { if (atomtracks.children[k].name == "TrackEntry") { var atomtrack = atomtracks.children[k]; var obj = {}; obj.default = 'Yes'; obj.forced = 'No'; for (var u = 0; u < atomtrack.children.length; u++) { // default if (atomtrack.children[u].name == 'TrackNumber') obj.Id = atomtrack.children[u].value; if (atomtrack.children[u].name == 'Language') obj.langage = atomtrack.children[u].value; if (atomtrack.children[u].name == 'DefaultDuration') obj.ConstantFramerate = (1000000000 / atomtrack.children[u].value); if (atomtrack.children[u].name == 'TrackType') { if (atomtrack.children[u].value == 1) obj.typeEnt = 'Video'; if (atomtrack.children[u].value == 2) obj.typeEnt = 'Audio'; if (atomtrack.children[u].value == 3) obj.typeEnt = 'MuxedTrack'; if (atomtrack.children[u].value == 16) obj.typeEnt = 'Logo'; if (atomtrack.children[u].value == 17) obj.typeEnt = 'Subtitles'; if (atomtrack.children[u].value == 18) obj.typeEnt = 'Button'; if (atomtrack.children[u].value == 32) obj.typeEnt = 'Control'; } if (atomtrack.children[u].name == 'FlagDefault' && atomtrack.children[u].value == 0) obj.default = "No"; if (atomtrack.children[u].name == 'FlagForced' && atomtrack.children[u].value == 1) obj.forced = "Yes"; if (atomtrack.children[u].name == 'Name') = atomtrack.children[u].value; if (atomtrack.children[u].name == 'CodecID') obj.CodeC = atomtrack.children[u].value; if (atomtrack.children[u].name == 'Video') { var atomvideo = atomtrack.children[u]; for (var j = 0; j < atomvideo.children.length; j++) { if (atomvideo.children[j].name == 'PixelWidth') obj.width = atomvideo.children[j].value; if (atomvideo.children[j].name == 'PixelHeight') obj.height = atomvideo.children[j].value; if (atomvideo.children[j].name == 'DisplayWidth') obj.Swidth = atomvideo.children[j].value; if (atomvideo.children[j].name == 'DisplayHeight') obj.Sheight = atomvideo.children[j].value; } } if (atomtrack.children[u].name == 'Audio') { var atomvideo = atomtrack.children[u]; for (var j = 0; j < atomvideo.children.length; j++) { if (atomvideo.children[j].name == 'SamplingFrequency') obj.Freq = atomvideo.children[j].value; if (atomvideo.children[j].name == 'Channels') obj.nbChannels = atomvideo.children[j].value; if (atomvideo.children[j].name == 'BitDepth') obj.DepthBit = atomvideo.children[j].value; if (atomvideo.children[j].name == 'DisplayHeight') obj.Sheight = atomvideo.children[j].value; } } } info.tracks.push(obj); // on n'enregistre une piste (track) QUE si c'en est une (trackEntry) } // TrackEntry } // boucle sur atomtracks.children.length } //console.log('nb lectures MKV = '+info.nbboucleslect); fcb(null, info); // A priori le traitement est terminé : on renvoit info ! }; // fin de MKVebml.parse /* ------------------------------------- Appel principal à la fonction "parse" C'est ici aussi que l'on définit la gestion des erreurs et le retour ! ------------------------------------- */ MKVebml.parse(function(err, tags) { fcb(err, tags); }); }; // var mkv = function(opts, fcb){} if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = mkv; } else { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('mkv', [], function() { return mkv; }); } }