function duree(s) {
function onetotwo(Pint) {
if (Pint < 10) {
return '0' + Pint.toString();
} else {
return Pint.toString();
function onetothree(Pint) {
if (Pint < 10) {
return '00' + Pint.toString();
} else {
if (Pint < 100) {
return '0' + Pint.toString();
} else {
return Pint.toString();
var out = '';
var lhh = '';
var lmn = '';
var lss = '';
var lms = '';
lhh = Math.floor(s / 3600);
lmn = Math.floor((s - lhh * 3600) / 60);
lss = Math.floor(s - lhh * 3600 - lmn * 60);
lms = Math.ceil((s - lhh * 3600 - lmn * 60 - lss) * 1000);
if (lhh > 0) {
lhh = lhh.toString() + ":";
out = lhh;
if (lmn > 0) {
if (out.length == 0) {
out = lmn.toString() + ":";
} else {
out = out + onetotwo(lmn) + ":";
} else {
if (out.length > 0) {
out = out + "00:";
if (lss > 0) {
if (out.length == 0) {
out = lss.toString();
} else {
out = out + onetotwo(lss);
} else {
if (out.length == 0) {
out = "0";
} else {
out = out + "00";
if (lms != 0) {
out = out + '.' + onetothree(lms);
return out;
function humanFileSize(size) {
var i = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024));
return (size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + ' ' + ['o', 'ko', 'Mo', 'Go', 'To'][i];
function humanBitrate(size) {
var i = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024));
return (size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + ' ' + ['bps', 'kbps', 'Mbps', 'Gbps', 'Tbps'][i];
function human_reading(info) {
info.text = "ArouG's MPEG Infos :\n";
info.text += "-------------------\n";
if (info.speedy){
info.text += "Mode : Speedy\n";
} else {
info.text += "Mode : Complete\n";
info.text += "File : " + info.filename + "\n";
var d= new Date(info.filedate);
info.text += "Date : " + (d.getFullYear()) + '/' + (d.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + d.getDate() + ' ' + d.getHours() + ':' + d.getMinutes() + "\n";
info.text += "Size : " + humanFileSize(info.filesize) + "\n";
info.text += "Version MPEG : "+info.mpgVers+"\n";
var isDVD = 0
for (var i =0; i<16; i++) isDVD += info.isDVD[i];
if (isDVD == 16){
info.text += "DVDFile : Yes\n";
} else {
info.text += "DVDFile : No\n";
if (info.PSMPackets > 0) info.text += "There is an Program Stream Map \n";
if (info.ENDPackets > 1) info.text += "ENDPackets : " + info.ENDPackets + " \n";
if (info.SCRs.length > 0){
info.text += "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
info.text += "There is (are) Reset Timing :\n";
var tmp = (((info.SCRs[0][1] * 32768) + info.SCRs[0][2]) - ((info.SCR_deb[1] * 32768) + info.SCR_deb[2])) / 90000;
tmp = Math.round(1000 * tmp) / 1000;
info.text += "Part 1 - duration : " + duree(tmp) + "\n";
for (var j = 1; j < info.SCRs.length-1; j++){
tmp = ((info.SCRs[i][1] * 32768) + info.SCRs[i][2]) / 90000;
info.text += "Part " + (j+1) + " - duration : " + duree(tmp) + "\n";
tmp = ((info.SCR_end[1] * 32768) + info.SCR_end[2]) / 90000;
info.text += "Part " + (info.SCRs.length+1) + " - duration : " + duree(tmp) + "\n";
info.text += "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
info.text += "Duration : " + duree(info.dureeS) + "\n";
var Gbitrate = 0;
for (var i=0; i<info.Vtracks.length; i++){
if (info.Vtracks[i].BitRate != 'Variable'){
if ((info.mpgVers == 2) && ((info.Vtracks[i].BitRate * info.Vtracks[i].dureeS / 8) > info.filesize)){
if (info.speedy){
Gbitrate = '?? (speedy !)';
info.Vtracks[i].BitRate = '?? (speedy !)';
} else {
Gbitrate += (info.Vtracks[i].size / info.Vtracks[i].dureeS * 8);
info.Vtracks[i].BitRate = info.Vtracks[i].size / info.Vtracks[i].dureeS * 8;
} else {
if (Gbitrate != '?? (speedy !)'){
Gbitrate += info.Vtracks[i].BitRate;
info.Vtracks[i].size = info.Vtracks[i].BitRate * info.Vtracks[i].dureeS / 8;
} else {
if (info.speedy) {
Gbitrate = "?? (speedy !)";
info.Vtracks[i].BitRate = "?? (speedy !)";
} else {
Gbitrate += (info.Vtracks[i].size / info.Vtracks[i].dureeS * 8);
info.Vtracks[i].BitRate = info.Vtracks[i].size / info.Vtracks[i].dureeS * 8;
for (var i=0; i<info.Atracks.length; i++){
if (info.Atracks[i].bitrate != '?'){
if (Gbitrate != '?? (speedy !)'){
Gbitrate += info.Atracks[i].bitrate * 1024;
info.Atracks[i].size = info.Atracks[i].bitrate * 128 * info.Atracks[i].dureeS;
} else {
if (Gbitrate != '?? (speedy !)'){
Gbitrate += (info.Atracks[i].size / info.Atracks[i].dureeS * 8);
info.Atracks[i].bitrate = info.Atracks[i].size / info.Atracks[i].dureeS;
if (Gbitrate != '?? (speedy !)'){
for (var i=0; i<info.Stracks.length; i++){
Gbitrate += info.Atracks[i].bitrate * 1024;
if (Gbitrate != '?? (speedy !)'){
info.text += "Global bitrate : " + humanBitrate(Gbitrate) + "\n";
} else {
info.text += "Global bitrate : ?? (speedy !)\n";
if (info.Vtracks[0].Vidinfo){
info.text += "Creator : " + info.Vtracks[0].Vidinfo + "\n";
var tot = info.Vtracks.length + info.Atracks.length + info.Stracks.length;
info.text += "Count of streams : " + tot + "\n";
info.text += "\n";
for (var i=0; i<info.Vtracks.length; i++) {
if (typeof(info.Vtracks[i]) != 'undefined'){
info.text += "Video Track Id : " + info.Vtracks[i].id + "\n";
if (info.Vtracks[i].BitRate != "?? (speedy !)"){
info.text += "Size <= " + humanFileSize(info.Vtracks[i].size) + "\n";
} else {
info.text += "Size : ?? (speedy !)\n";
info.text += "Duration : " + duree(info.Vtracks[i].dureeS) + "\n";
if (info.Vtracks[i].BitRate != '?? (speedy !)'){
info.text += "Bitrate : " + humanBitrate(info.Vtracks[i].BitRate) + "\n";
} else {
info.text += "Bitrate : ?? (speedy !)\n";
if (info.Vtracks[i].framerate != 'forbidden'){
info.text += "Framerate : " + info.Vtracks[i].framerate + " FPS\n";
info.text += "Width : " + info.Vtracks[i].width + "\n";
info.text += "Heidth : " + info.Vtracks[i].height + "\n";
info.text += "\n";
for (var i=0; i<info.Atracks.length; i++) {
if (typeof(info.Atracks[i]) != 'undefined'){
info.text += "Audio Track Id : " + info.Atracks[i].id + "\n";
if (isNaN(info.Atracks[i].layer)){
info.text += "codec : " + info.Atracks[i].layer + "\n";
} else {
info.text += "Layer : " + info.Atracks[i].layer + "\n";
if (typeof(info.Atracks[i].bettersize) == 'undefined'){
info.text += "Size <= " + humanFileSize(info.Atracks[i].size) + "\n";
} else {
info.text += "Size <= " + humanFileSize(info.Atracks[i].bettersize) + "\n";
info.text += "Duration : " + duree(info.Atracks[i].dureeS) + "\n";
info.text += "Bitrate : " + humanBitrate(info.Atracks[i].bitrate * 1024) + "\n";
info.text += "Count of channels : ";
if (info.Atracks[i].layer == 'AC3'){
info.text += info.Atracks[i].AC3Mode[0] + " (" + info.Atracks[i].AC3Mode[1] + ") - " + info.Atracks[i].bsMode + "\n";
} else {
if (info.Atracks[i].layer == 'DTS' || info.Atracks[i].layer == 'LCPM') {
info.text += info.Atracks[i].nbChannels + "\n";
} else { // 'MPEGAudio'
if (info.Atracks[i].channels == 'single_channel'){
info.text += "1" + "\n";
} else {
info.text += "2" + "\n";
info.text += "Mode : " + info.Atracks[i].channels + "\n";
info.text += "Sampling : " + info.Atracks[i].sampling + " kHz\n";
info.text += "\n";
for (var i=0; i<info.Stracks.length; i++) {
info.text += "Subtitles Track Id : " + info.Stracks[i].id + "\n";
info.text += "Size <= " + humanFileSize(info.Stracks[i].bettersize) + "\n";
info.text += "Duration : " + duree(info.Stracks[i].dureeS) + "\n";
info.text += "Bitrate : " + humanBitrate(info.Stracks[i].bitrate) + "\n";
info.text += "\n";
if ({
info.text += "There is a menu / navigation\n";
return info.text;
onmessage = function(event) {
var file =;
var speedy =;
if (file.type == 'video/mpeg' || file.type == 'video/webm'){
mpg(file, speedy, function(err, info) {
if (err) {
console.log('error : ' + err);
'data' : 'error : ' + err
} else {
sortie_texte = human_reading(info);
'data' : sortie_texte
} else {
postMessage({'data' : 'nop'});