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File: jQuery.AJAX/classes/class.ajax.php

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File: jQuery.AJAX/classes/class.ajax.php
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: jQuery.AJAX
Process form submissions using AJAX requests
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2012-02-01 03:07
Size: 5,197 bytes


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 * Handle XMLHttpRequests
 * Requires AJAX requests provide Content-MD5, CSRF token (HTTP_X_ALT_REFER),
 * and HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH as XMLHttpRequest.
 * This class accompanies the jQuery.AJAX project @https://github.com/jas-jQuery.AJAX
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the GPL license
 * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.  If you did not receive a copy of
 * the GPL License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
 * @author     jason.gerfen@gmail.com
 * @copyright  2008-2012 Jason Gerfen
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html  GPL License 3
 * @version    0.3

 *! @class ajax
 *  @abstract Handles XMLHttpRequest proxy loading
class ajax

  *! @function __construct
  *  @abstract Class loader
 public function __construct()
  $libs = new libraries;
  $post = (!empty($_POST)) ?
   $this->_serialize($_POST) : md5($_SESSION[$libs->_getRealIPv4()]);

  if ((!$this->__vRequest(getenv('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH')))||
      (!$this->__vCSRF(getenv('HTTP_X_ALT_REFERER'), $_SESSION[$libs->_getRealIPv4()]))||
      (!$this->__vCheckSum(getenv('HTTP_CONTENT_MD5'), $post))){
  } else {

  *! @function __vRequest
  *  @abstract Verify the request was valid XMLHttpRequest
 private function __vRequest($request)
  return (strcmp($request, 'XMLHttpRequest')!==0) ? false : true;

  *! @function __vCSRF
  *  @abstract Verify the CSRF token
 private function __vCSRF($header, $token)
  return (strcmp($header, $token)!==0) ? true : false;

  *! @function __vCheckSum
  *  @abstract Verify the post data contained a valid checksum in the header
 private function __vCheckSum($header, $array)
  return (strcmp(base64_decode($header),
                 md5($this->_serialize($array)))!==0) ? false : true;

  * @function response
  * @abstract Handle older versions of PHP that do not have json_encode, json_decode
  * @param $array Array Nested array of configuration options
  * @return object A JSON object
 private function JSONencode($array){
  if (!function_exists('json_encode')) {
   return self::arr2json($array);
  } else {
   return json_encode($array);

  * @function arr2json
  * @abstract Private function to create a JSON object
  * @param $array Array Associative array
  * @return object The resulting JSON object
 private function arr2json($array)
  if (is_array($array)) {
   foreach($array as $key => $value) $json[] = $key . ':' . self::php2js($value);
   if(count($json)>0) return '{'.implode(',',$json).'}';
   else return '';

  * @function php2js
  * @abstract Private function using to determine array value type
  * @param $value String|INT|BOOL|NULL|ARRAY Mixed
  * @return STRING|INT|BOOL|NULL|ARRAY The typecasted variable
 private function php2js($value)
  if(is_array($value)) return self::arr2json($val);
  if(is_string($value)) return '"'.addslashes($value).'"';
  if(is_bool($value)) return 'Boolean('.(int) $value.')';
  if(is_null($value)) return '""';
  return $value;

  * @function _serialize
  * @abstract Perform serialization of sent POST data. This is required for the
  *           jQuery.AJAX plug-in checksum verification as the current PHP
  *           serialize() function will not create an accurate hash
 private function _serialize($array)
  if (count($array)>0){
   $x = '';
   foreach($array as $key => $value){
    $x .= $key.'='.$value.'&';
   $x = substr($x, 0, -1);
  return (strlen($x)>0) ? $x : false;

  *! @function index
  *  @abstract Calls default action to perform
 private function index($command)
   case 'success':
   case 'error':

  *! @function _details
  *  @abstract Simply retrieves the details of the request for demo purposes
 private function _details()
  $libs = new libraries;
  return array('Remote address'=>$libs->_getRealIPv4(),
               'Session ID'=>$_SESSION[$libs->_getRealIPv4()],
               'X-Alt-Referer header'=>getenv('HTTP_X_ALT_REFERER'),
               'Content-MD5 header'=>getenv('HTTP_CONTENT_MD5'),
               'Serialized POST data'=>$this->_serialize($_POST));

  *! @function _success
  *  @abstract Demo success message function
 private function _success()
  exit($this->JSONencode(array('success'=>'All validation checks passed',

  *! @function _error
  *  @abstract Demo error message function
 private function _error()
  exit($this->JSONencode(array('error'=>'Necessary sanitation checks were not included on request.',
