* jQuery plugin to impliment local storage with optional AES
* encryption support via the Gibberish-AES libraries
* Fork me @ https://www.github.com/jas-/jQuery.handleStorage
* - HTML5 localStorage support
* - HTML5 sessionStorage support
* - Cookie support
* - AES encryption support
* - jQuery libraries (required - http://www.jquery.com)
* - jQuery cookie plugin (optional - http://plugins.jquery.com/files/jquery.cookie.js.txt)
* - Gibberish-AES libraries (optional - https://github.com/mdp/gibberish-aes)
* - appID: Unique identifier used as storage object key
* - interval: Amount of time betwen auto-saves (default 5sec)
* - storage: HTML5 localStorage, sessionStorage and cookies supported
* - aes: Use AES encryption for local storage
* - uuid: Random RFC-4122 string used as AES password
* Author: Jason Gerfen
* Email: jason.gerfen@gmail.com
* Copyright: Jason Gerfen
* License: GPL
* @function jQuery.handleStorage
* @abstract Plug-in used to assist in client storage items
* @param method string Method to employ for form ID DOM object
* init (transparent getting and setting of
* form elements)
* @param options object options object for specific operations
* appID, storage, aes
$.fn.handleStorage = function(method){
* @object defaults
* @abstract Default set of options for plug-in
var defaults = {
appID: 'jQuery.handleStorage', // Application ID, used as index
storage: 'localStorage', // Storage type localStorage || sessionStorage || cookie (cookie storage requires jQuery cookie plugin)
interval: 5000, // Amount of time between auto-saves (default is 5sec)
aes: false, // Use AES encryption? (true or false)
uuid: '', // Random RFC-4122 string
form: '', // Place holder for form ID
data: {}, // Place holder for storage objects
callback: function(){}, // An on save callback
preCallback: function(){}, // Process callback prior to save
errCallback: function(){} // Callback to execute on error
* @object methods
* @abstract Plug-in methods
var methods = {
* @method init
* @abstract Default plug-in method. Provides transparent client storage
* of form data using HTML5 client storage or cookies with
* optional AES encryption support
init: function(o){
var opts = $.extend({}, defaults, o);
opts.form = $(this).attr('id');
if (vO(opts)){
opts.data[opts.appID] = (_e(opts)) ? _e(opts) : {};
var orig = gStore(opts);
if ((typeof orig==='object')&&(sChk(orig)>0)){
sF(opts, orig);
((opts.preCallback)&&($.isFunction(opts.preCallback))) ? opts.preCallback($(this)) : false;
$('#'+opts.form).delegate('input, input:radio:selected, input:checkbox:checked, select, textarea', 'change keyup blur submit', function(){
setInterval(function(){svF(opts);}, opts.interval);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @function sChk
* @abstract Performs a check on object sizes
var sChk = function(obj) {
var n = 0;
$.each(obj, function(k, v){
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) n++;
return n;
* @function _l
* @abstract Performs check on current value of local storage objects
* Uses 5mb for HTML5 local/session storage & 4k for cookies
var _l = function(type) {
var lim = /local|session/.test(type) ? 1024 * 1025 * 5 : 1024 * 4;
if (lim - unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(type))).length <= 0) {
console.log('Maximum quota has been met using '+type);
return false;
return true;
* @function sI
* @abstract Proxy function for setting data with specified client storage
* option
var sI = function(type, k, v) {
var x = false;
type = (vStore(type)) ? type : 'cookie';
if (_l(type)) {
switch(type) {
case 'localStorage':
x = sL(k, v);
case 'sessionStorage':
x = sS(k, v);
case 'cookie':
x = sC(k, v);
x = sL(k, v);
return x;
* @function gI
* @abstract Proxy function for getting data with specified client storage
* option
var gI = function(type, k) {
var x = false;
type = (vStore(type)) ? type : 'cookie';
switch(type) {
case 'localStorage':
x = gL(k);
case 'sessionStorage':
x = gS(k);
case 'cookie':
x = gC(k);
x = gL(k);
return x;
* @function sL
* @abstract Function used to set localStorage items
var sL = function(k, v) {
return (localStorage.setItem(k, v)) ? false : true;
* @function sS
* @abstract Function used to set sessionStorage items
var sS = function(k, v) {
return (sessionStorage.setItem(k, v)) ? false : true;
* @function sC
* @abstract Function used to set cookie items
var sC = function(k, v) {
if (typeof $.cookie === 'function') {
return ($.cookie(k, v, {expires: 7})) ? true : false;
} else {
return false;
* @function gL
* @abstract Function used to get localStorage items
var gL = function(k) {
return (localStorage.getItem(k)) ? localStorage.getItem(k) : false;
* @function gS
* @abstract Function used to get sessionStorage items
var gS = function(k) {
return (sessionStorage.getItem(k)) ? sessionStorage.getItem(k) : false;
* @function sC
* @abstract Function used to get cookie items
var gC = function(name) {
if (typeof $.cookie === 'function') {
return ($.cookie(name)) ? $.cookie(name) : false;
} else {
return false;
* @function _e
* @abstract Function used to return configured storage items
* as JSON object
var _e = function(o) {
return (gI(o.storage, o.appID)) ? JSON.parse(gI(o.storage, o.appID)) : false;
* @function gStore
* @abstract Function to compare and decrypt if necessary, existing
* storage items to configured form input elements
var gStore = function(o) {
var ret={}, x;
if (typeof o.data[o.appID][o.form]==='object'){
$.each($('#'+o.form+' > :input'), function(k, v){
if ((vStr(v.name)!==false)&&(vStr(o.data[o.appID][o.form][v.name])!==false)){
if (typeof(o.data[o.appID][o.form][v.name])=='object') {
var _x = []; var _i = 0;
$.each(o.data[o.appID][o.form][v.name], function(a, b){
_x[_i] = ((o.aes)&&(o.data[o.appID][o.form]['uuid'])&&(x!==false)) ? GibberishAES.dec(b, _s(uid(), __strIV(o.data[o.appID][o.form]['uuid']))) : b;
ret[v.name] = _x;
} else {
ret[v.name] = ((o.aes)&&(o.data[o.appID][o.form]['uuid'])&&(x!==false)) ? GibberishAES.dec(o.data[o.appID][o.form][v.name], _s(uid(), __strIV(o.data[o.appID][o.form]['uuid']))) : o.data[o.appID][o.form][v.name];
return ret;
* @function sF
* @abstract Sets input values within configured form
var sF = function(o, arg){
if (sChk(arg)>0){
$.each(arg, function(a, b){
if (($('#'+o.form+' > input[name='+a+']').attr('name')===a)||($('#'+o.form+' > select[name='+a+']').attr('name')===a)||($('#'+o.form+' > textarea[name='+a+']').attr('name')===a)&&(vStr(b)!==false)){
if ((/checkbox|radio/.test($('#'+o.form+' > input[name='+a+']').attr('type')))&&($('#'+o.form+' > input[name='+a+']').attr('value')==b)) {
$('#'+o.form+' > input[name='+a+']').attr('checked', true);
} else {
$('#'+o.form+' > input[name='+a+'], #'+o.form+' > select[name='+a+'], #'+o.form+' > textarea[name='+a+']').val(b);
* @function svF
* @abstract Saves non-null form elements to configured client storage
* mechanism, encrypting if configured as a nested JSON object
var svF = function(o){
var x={}; x[o.form]={};
x[o.form]['uuid'] = ((o.aes)&&(!o.uuid)) ? hK(o) : o.uuid;
$.each($('#'+o.form+' > :input'), function(k, v){
if ((vStr(v.value)!==false)&&(vStr(v.name)!==false)){
if (/checkbox|radio/.test(v.type)){
} else {
x[o.form][v.name] = ((o.aes)&&(x[o.form]['uuid'])) ? GibberishAES.enc(v.value, _s(uid(), __strIV(x[o.form]['uuid']))) : v.value;
o.data[o.appID] = (sChk(o.data[o.appID])>0) ?
$.extend({}, o.data[o.appID], x) : x;
if (sI(o.storage, o.appID, JSON.stringify(o.data[o.appID]))){
((o.callback)&&($.isFunction(o.callback))) ? o.callback.call($(this)) : false;
} else {
((o.errCallback)&&($.isFunction(o.errCallback))) ? o.errCallback.call($(this)) : false;
* @function gG
* @abstract Return array of checked checkboxes or selected radio elements
var gG = function(o, obj, t, key){
return $('#'+o.form+' > input:'+t+':checked').map(function(){
return ((o.aes)&&(key)) ? GibberishAES.enc(this.value, _s(uid(), __strIV(key))) : this.value;
* @function vStr
* @abstract Verifies string integrity
var vStr = function(string){
if (string){
return ((string===false)||(string.length===0)||(!string)||(string===null)||(string==='')||(typeof string==='undefined')) ? false : true;
} else {
return false;
* @function vStore
* @abstract Ensures configured storage mechanism is available for the
* browser engine
var vStore = function(type){
try {
return ((type in window)&&(window[type])) ? true : false;
} catch (e) {
console.log('The '+type+' storage mechanism does not exist, please upgrade your browser');
return false;
* @function vO
* @abstract Tests configured o vs. available functionality
var vO = function(opts){
var ret = true;
if (opts.aes){
if (!$.isFunction(GibberishAES.enc)){
console.log('AES use specified but required libraries not available. Please include the Gibberish-AES libs...');
ret = false;
if (opts.storage==='cookie'){
if (!$.isFunction($.cookie)){
console.log('Cookie use specified but required libraries not available. Please include the jQuery cookie plugin...');
ret = false;
return ret;
* @function gUUID
* @abstract Generates a valid RFC-4122 UUID
var gUUID = function(len){
var chars = '0123456789abcdef'.split('');
var uuid = [], rnd = Math.random, r;
uuid[8] = uuid[13] = uuid[18] = uuid[23] = '-';
uuid[14] = '4';
for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++){
if (!uuid[i]){
r = 0 | rnd()*16;
uuid[i] = chars[(i == 19) ? (r & 0x3) | 0x8 : r & 0xf];
return (len!==null) ?
uuid.join('').replace(/-/g, '').split('',len).join('') : uuid.join('');
* @function uid
* @abstract Generate uid
var uid = function(){
return window.navigator.appName+
* @function _s
* @abstract Strengthen key
var _s = function(str, slt){
var _h = []; _h[0] = GibberishAES.Hash.MD5(str);
var _r = []; _r = _h[0]; var _d;
for (i = 1; i < 3; i++){
_h[i] = GibberishAES.Hash.MD5(_h[i - 1].concat(slt));
_d = _r.concat(_h[i]);
return JSON.stringify(_d);
* @function hK
* @abstract Performs key generation or retrieval
var hK = function(o) {
if (o.aes){
var x = (_e(o)) ? _e(o) : {};
x[o.form] = (x[o.form]) ? x[o.form] : {};
var y = (vStr(x[o.form]['uuid'])) ?
x[o.form]['uuid'] : gUUID(null);
return y;
return false;
* @function strIV
* @abstract Generate IV from string
var __strIV = function(s){
return (s) ?
encodeURI(s.replace(/-/gi, '').substring(16,Math.ceil(16*s.length)%s.length)) :
* @function __r
* @abstract Function used help debug objects recursively
var __r = function(obj){
$.each(obj, function(x,y){
if (typeof y==='object'){
} else {
console.log(x+' => '+y);
/* robot, do something */
if (methods[method]){
return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else if ((typeof method==='object')||(!method)){
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method '+method+' does not exist on '+opts.name);