// XBSDB - Cross-Browser JavaScript Database library
// Copyright (C) 2010 Alexey A.Znayev
// This file is part of XBSDB.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Alexey A.Znayev, znaeff@mail.ru
// This file contains localized messages
// for 'en' locale (English)
if(!XBSDB.prototype.Text || typeof XBSDB.prototype.Text != 'object'){ XBSDB.prototype.Text = {}; }
XBSDB.prototype.Text['en'] = {
'OK' : 'No error',
'ERROR' : 'Error',
'DB_AROWS_NOT_ARRAY' : 'DB: aRows is not an array',
'DB_CANNOT_JSONIZE_DB' : 'DB: Cannot convert database to JSON string',
'DB_CANNOT_JSONIZE_TABLE' : 'DB: Cannot convert table to JSON string',
'DB_DESC_FLAG_NOT_BOOL' : 'DB: DESC flag is not boolean',
'DB_FIELD_DUPLICATE' : 'DB: Duplicate field',
'DB_FIELD_NAME_EMPTY' : 'DB: Field name is empty',
'DB_FIELD_NAME_NOT_EXIST' : 'DB: Non-existing field name',
'DB_FIELD_NAME_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: Field name is not a string',
'DB_FIELD_NAMES_EMPTY' : 'DB: Field names array is empty ',
'DB_FIELD_NAMES_NOT_ARRAY' : 'DB: Field names is not an array',
'DB_FIELD_NAME_TYPE_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: Field name is not a string',
'DB_FIELD_VALUES_EMPTY' : 'DB: Field values array is empty',
'DB_FIELD_VALUES_NOT_ARRAY' : 'DB: Field values is not an array',
'DB_FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_MISMATCH' : 'DB: Field value type mismatches field type',
'DB_GROUP_BY_EXPR_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: GROUP BY expression is not a string',
'DB_KEY_EXPR_EMPTY' : 'DB: Key expression is empty',
'DB_KEY_EXPR_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: Key expression is not a string',
'DB_KEY_ID_EMPTY' : 'DB: Key identifier is empty',
'DB_KEY_ID_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: Key identifier is not a string',
'DB_LIMIT_NEGATIVE' : 'DB: LIMIT is negative',
'DB_LIMIT_NOT_NUMBER' : 'DB: LIMIT is not a number',
'DB_LOADDB_BAD_STRING' : 'DB: Database parameter is bad JSON-string, cannot eval',
'DB_LOADDB_EVAL_NOT_OBJECT' : 'DB: Database parameter string not transformed to object',
'DB_LOADDB_NOT_STRING_NOT_OBJECT' : 'DB: Database parameter is neither string nor object',
'DB_LOADDB_OBJECT_NULL' : 'DB: Database parameter transformed to null object',
'DB_LOADTABLE_BAD_STRING' : 'DB: Table parameter is bad JSON-string, cannot eval',
'DB_LOADTABLE_EVAL_NOT_OBJECT' : 'DB: Table parameter string not transformed to object',
'DB_LOADTABLE_NOT_STRING_NOT_OBJECT' : 'DB: Table parameter is neither string nor object',
'DB_LOADTABLE_OBJECT_NULL' : 'DB: Table parameter transformed to null object',
'DB_LOADTABLEDATA_BAD_STRING' : 'DB: Table data parameter is bad JSON-string, cannot eval',
'DB_LOADTABLEDATA_EVAL_NOT_OBJECT' : 'DB: Table data parameter string not transformed to object',
'DB_LOADTABLEDATA_DATA_NOT_ARRAY' : 'DB: Table data parameter is not array',
'DB_LOADTABLEDATA_KEY_DATA_NOT_ARRAY' : 'DB: Loading key data is not array',
'DB_LOADTABLEDATA_KEY_EXPR_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: Loading key expression is not string',
'DB_LOADTABLEDATA_KEY_NOT_OBJECT' : 'DB: Loading key not object',
'DB_LOADTABLEDATA_KEYS_NOT_ARRAY' : 'DB: Loading keys not array',
'DB_LOADTABLEDATA_NOT_STRING_NOT_OBJECT': 'DB: Table data parameter is neither string nor object',
'DB_LOADTABLEDATA_OBJECT_NULL' : 'DB: Table data parameter transformed to null object',
'DB_LOCALE_NOT_DEFINED' : 'DB: Locale not defined in included locale files',
'DB_LOCALE_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: Locale parameter is not a string',
'DB_OFFSET_NEGATIVE' : 'DB: OFFSET is negative',
'DB_OFFSET_NOT_NUMBER' : 'DB: OFFSET is not a number',
'DB_ORDER_BY_EXPR_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: ORDER BY expression is not a string',
'DB_RECORDS_2DEL_NE_DELETED' : 'DB: Number of deleted records is less than needed',
'DB_RECORDS_2UPD_NE_UPDATED' : 'DB: Number of updated records is less than needed',
'DB_RECORDS_NOT_ARRAY' : 'DB: Records is not an rray',
'DB_ROW_AFTER_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: sRowAfter is not a string',
'DB_ROW_BEFORE_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: sRowBefore is not a string',
'DB_STRUCTURE_BAD' : 'DB: Structure is not well-formed',
'DB_STRUCTURE_EMPTY' : 'DB: Structure is empty',
'DB_STRUCTURE_FIELD_DUPLICATE' : 'DB: Structure contains duplicate field names',
'DB_STRUCTURE_NOT_ARRAY' : 'DB: Structure is not an array',
'DB_TABLE_EXIST' : 'DB: Table exists',
'DB_TABLE_NAME_EMPTY' : 'DB: Table name is empty',
'DB_TABLE_NAME_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: Table name is not a string',
'DB_TABLE_NOT_EXIST' : 'DB: Table does not exist',
'DB_VALUE_AFTER_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: sValueAfter is not a string',
'DB_VALUE_BEFORE_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: sValueBefore is not a string',
'DB_VALUE_EMPTY_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: sValueEmpty is not a string',
'DB_WHERE_EXPR_NOT_STRING' : 'DB: WHERE expression is not a string',
'TABLE_BAD_CONSTANT' : 'Table: Bad constant expression',
'TABLE_FIELD_TYPE_UN' : 'Table: Field type is unknown',
'TABLE_NOT_GET_RECORDS_BY_EXPR_UN' : 'Table: Records not getted by expression with unknown resaon',
'TABLE_STRUCTURE_BAD' : 'Table: Structure is not well-formed',
'KEY_NOT_BUILDED_FULL' : 'Key: Not fully builded',
'KEY_NOT_BUILDED_UN' : 'Key: Not builded with unknown reason',
'KEY_RANGE_LOW_GREQ_HIGH' : 'Key: Resulting range low border is higher or equil than high one',
'KEY_RANGE_LOW_GR_HIGH' : 'Key: Resulting range low border is higher than high one',
'PARSER_AT_POS' : 'at position',
'PARSER_SYN_BRACKETS_L' : 'Syntax: Unclosed left bracket',
'PARSER_SYN_BRACKETS_ODD' : 'Syntax: Odd brackets',
'PARSER_SYN_BRACKETS_R' : 'Syntax: Unexpected right bracket',
'PARSER_SYN_ELEMENT_UN' : 'Syntax: Element is unknown',
'PARSER_SYN_ERROR_UN' : 'Syntax: Unknown error',
'PARSER_SYN_EOS_MISSING' : 'Syntax: End os string value missing',
'PARSER_SYN_EXPR_BAD' : 'Syntax: Expression is not string or empty',
'PARSER_SEM_ERROR_UN' : 'Semantic: Unknown error',
'PARSER_SEM_OPA_NOT_A_TYPE' : 'Semantic: oPA not a-type',
'PARSER_SEM_KEY_EXPR_ITEM_UN' : 'Semantic: Unknown items in key expression',
'PARSER_SEM_UPPER_ARRAY_MUST_3' : 'Semantic: There must be something in brackets',
'PARSER_CON_ARRAY_AC_2ND_NOT_LOGIC' : 'Context: Second ac-array element must be logical operation',
'PARSER_CON_ARRAY_AC_MUST_HAVE_3_EL' : 'Context: ac-array must contain 3 elements',
'PARSER_CON_ARRAY_AC_NO_FIELDS' : 'Context: ac-array must contain field name',
'PARSER_CON_ARRAY_UN' : 'Context: Unknown array',
'PARSER_CON_ELEMENT_UN' : 'Context: Unknown element',
'PARSER_CON_ERROR_UN' : 'Context: Unknown error'