File: application/webfan/node_modules/webfan/navigator/shim.js

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  Classes of Till Wehowski   µ.Flow   application/webfan/node_modules/webfan/navigator/shim.js   Download  
File: application/webfan/node_modules/webfan/navigator/shim.js
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: µ.Flow
General purpose library of objects
Author: By
Last change: changes
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 21,841 bytes


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/* webfan (C) Till Wehowski, - All rights reserved. */ (function(){ var webkitWebfanShim = function( ){ var loaded = false; var filer = null; var filerTemp = null; var _fs = null; var errorFn = console.warn; //view-source: window.requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem; window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; try{ window.TEMPORARY=0; window.PERSISTENT = 1; }catch(err){ } //var openFSButton = document.querySelector('#openFSButton'); var preview = document.createElement('DIV'); var logger = console; var fs = null; var cwd = null; var html = []; var entries = document.createElement('DIV'); function fsDump() { return { fs : fs, cwd : cwd, extra : { preview : preview, entries : entries, html : html } }; } function onError(e) { console.error('Error.Shim.Filesystem: ' + e.code + ' - ' +; } function clearFS() { fs.root.createReader().readEntries(function(results) { [], function(entry) { if (entry.isDirectory) { entry.removeRecursively(function() {}, onError); } else { entry.remove(function() {}, onError); } }); getAllEntries(fs.root); }, onError); // idb.drop(function(e) { // logger.log('<p>Database deleted!</p>'); // }, onError); } function openFS(type, cb, size) { window.requestFileSystem(type, size || (1024*1024), function(myFs) { // fs = myFs; cwd = myFs.root.toURL(); //openFSButton.disabled = true; logger.log('Opened ' + cwd/*, + */ +''); // getAllEntries(fs.root); cb(myFs, cwd, html); }, function(e) { logger.log(e); }); } function writeFile(file, i) { cwd.getFile(, {create: true, exclusive: false}, function(fileEntry) { fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) { fileWriter.onwritestart = function() { console.log('WRITE START'); }; fileWriter.onwriteend = function() { console.log('WRITE END'); }; fileWriter.write(file); }, onError); getAllEntries(cwd); }, onError); } function getAllEntries(dirEntry) { dirEntry.createReader().readEntries(function(results) { html = []; // var paths = { return el.fullPath.substring(1); }); // renderFromPathObj(buildFromPathList(paths)); // document.querySelector('#entries2').innerHTML = html.join(''); var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Native readEntries() returns an EntryArray, which doesn't have forEach. [], function(entry) { var li = document.createElement('li'); li.dataset.type = entry.isFile ? 'file' : 'folder'; var deleteLink = document.createElement('a'); deleteLink.href = ''; deleteLink.innerHTML = '<img src="images/icons/delete.svg" alt="Delete this" title="Delete this">'; deleteLink.classList.add('delete'); deleteLink.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (entry.isDirectory) { entry.removeRecursively(function() { logger.log('<p>Removed ' + + '</p>'); getAllEntries(window.cwd); }); } else { entry.remove(function() { logger.log('<p>Removed ' + + '</p>'); getAllEntries(window.cwd); }); } return false; }; var span = document.createElement('span'); span.appendChild(deleteLink); if (entry.isFile) { entry.file(function(f) { var size = Math.round(f.size * 100 / (1024 * 1024)) / 100; span.title = size + 'MB'; if (size < 1) { size = Math.round(f.size * 100 / 1024) / 100; span.title = size + 'KB'; } span.title += ', last modified: ' + f.lastModifiedDate.toLocaleDateString(); if (f.type.match('audio/') || f.type.match('video/ogg')) { var audio = new Audio(); if (audio.canPlayType(f.type)) { audio.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(f); //audio.type = f.type; //audio.controls = true; audio.onended = function(e) { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(this.src); }; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = ''; a.dataset.fullPath = entry.fullPath; a.textContent = entry.fullPath; a.appendChild(audio); a.onclick = playPauseAudio; span.appendChild(a); } else { span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(entry.fullPath + " (can't play)")); } } else { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = ''; a.textContent = entry.fullPath; a.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var iframe = preview.querySelector('iframe'); if (!iframe) { iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); } else { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(iframe.src); } preview.innerHTML = ''; if (this.classList.contains('active')) { this.classList.remove('active'); return; } else { this.classList.add('active'); } iframe.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(f); preview.innerHTML = ''; preview.appendChild(iframe); return false; }; span.appendChild(a) } /*var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = 'images/icons/file.png'; img.title = 'This item is a file'; img.alt = img.title; span.appendChild(img);*/ li.appendChild(span); }, onError); } else { var span2 = document.createElement('span'); var folderLink = document.createElement('a'); folderLink.textContent = entry.fullPath; folderLink.href = ''; folderLink.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); cwd.getDirectory(this.textContent, {}, function(dirEntry) { window.cwd = dirEntry; // TODO: not sure why we need to use window.cwd here. getAllEntries(dirEntry); }, onError); return false; }; span2.appendChild(folderLink); span.appendChild(span2); span.classList.add('bold'); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = 'images/icons/folder.png'; img.alt = 'This item is a folder'; img.title = img.alt; span.title = img.alt; span.appendChild(img); li.appendChild(span); } frag.appendChild(li); }); entries.innerHTML = '<ul></ul>'; entries.appendChild(frag); }, onError); } function create(filePath, cb) { cwd.getFile(filePath, {create: true, exclusive: true}, function(fileEntry) { logger.log('<p>Created empty file <em>' + fileEntry.fullPath, + '</em></p>'); // getAllEntries(cwd); if('function'===typeof cb)cb(fileEntry); }, onError); } function mkdir(path, cb) { console.log('mkdir>'+path); cwd.getDirectory(path, {create: true, exclusive: true}, function(dirEntry) { console.log('Created folder ' + dirEntry.fullPath, + ''); /*getAllEntries(cwd);*/ if('function'===typeof cb)cb(dirEntry); }, onError); } function buildFromPathList(paths) { var tree = {}; for (var i = 0, path; path = paths[i]; ++i) { var pathParts = path.split('/'); var subObj = tree; for (var j = 0, folderName; folderName = pathParts[j]; ++j) { if (!subObj[folderName]) { subObj[folderName] = j < pathParts.length - 1 ? {} : null; } subObj = subObj[folderName]; } } return tree; } function renderFromPathObj(object) { for (var folder in object) { if (!object[folder]) { // file's will have a null value html.push('<li>', folder, '</li>'); } else { html.push('<li>', folder); html.push('<ul>'); renderFromPathObj(object[folder]); html.push('</ul>'); } } } function playPauseAudio(e) { var a =; var audio = a.querySelector('audio'); if (audio.paused) {; a.classList.add('active'); } else { audio.pause(); a.classList.remove('active'); } e.preventDefault(); } function DnDFileController(selector, onDropCallback) { var el_ = document.querySelector(selector); this.dragenter = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); el_.classList.add('dropping'); }; this.dragover = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; this.dragleave = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); //el_.classList.remove('dropping'); }; this.drop = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); el_.classList.remove('dropping'); onDropCallback(e.dataTransfer.files) }; el_.addEventListener('dragenter', this.dragenter, false); el_.addEventListener('dragover', this.dragover, false); el_.addEventListener('dragleave', this.dragleave, false); el_.addEventListener('drop', this.drop, false); } function loadFiler(){ webfan.plug('chdir', function(){ var _Arguments =[0]; if('string' !==typeof _Arguments[1] ){ process.chdir(_Arguments[0]); }else if('fs' === _Arguments[1]){[0], function(dirEntry) { if('function'===typeof _Arguments[2])_Arguments[2](dirEntry); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[3]) ? _Arguments[3] : errorFn); }else if('temp' === _Arguments[1]){[0], function(dirEntry) { if('function'===typeof _Arguments[2])_Arguments[2](dirEntry); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[3]) ? _Arguments[3] : errorFn); } }); try{ openFS(window.TEMPORARY, function(myFs, cwd, html){ console.log('open>'+cwd); filer = new window.frdlFiler(); filerTemp = new window.frdlFiler(); filerTemp.init({persistent: false, size: 1024 * 1024}, function(fs) { _fs = fs; if(null !== frdl.$q('link[type="application\/manifest+json"]', false)){ filer.init({persistent: true, size: window.frdlFiler.DEFAULT_FS_SIZE}, function(fs) { _fs = fs; openFS(window.PERSISTENT, function(myFs, cwd, html){ loaded=true; console.log('open>'+cwd); }); }, errorFn); }else{ filer=filerTemp; loaded=true; } }, errorFn); }, window.frdlFiler.DEFAULT_FS_SIZE); }catch(err){ console.warn(err); } } /* end loadFiler() */ try{ loadFiler(); }catch(err){ console.warn(err); } var shim = { '$win open' : function(){ return[0][0]); }, '$win close' : function(){ return window.close(); }, '$fs --local' : function(){ if('temp' === arguments[0])return filerTemp; return filer; }, 'path.exec' : function(){ /* return document.base || window.location.href; */ try{ return webfan['$fs --local']().fs.root.toURL(); }catch(err){ return document.base || window.location.href; } }, '$path' : function(){ return require('path'); } }; var suggested = (true === navigator['-webkit-webfan'] ) ? navigator.webfan : shim; window.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR = (true === navigator['-webkit-webfan'] ) ? require('path').sep : '/'; webfan.plug('$fs.ready', function(){ return true; }); webfan.plug('app://', function(){ try{ if('temp' === arguments[0])return webfan['$fs --local']('temp').fs.root.toURL(); return webfan['$fs --local']().fs.root.toURL(); }catch(err){ return window.location.href; } }); webfan.plug('tmpdir', function(){ return (true === navigator['-webkit-webfan'] ) ? require('os').tmpdir() : webfan['path.exec']() + 'tmp/'; }); webfan.plug('path.exec', function(){ return suggested['path.exec']()/* + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR */; }); webfan.plug('$fs --local', function(){ if(true === navigator['-webkit-webfan']){ return navigator.webfan['$fs --local'](); } if('local' === arguments[0])return filer; if('temp' === arguments[0])return filerTemp; return suggested['$fs --local'](); }); webfan.plug('$fs --local root', function(){ return suggested['path.exec']() /* + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR */; }); webfan.plug('file://', function(){ return suggested['path.exec']() /* + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR */; }); setTimeout(function(){ fs = webfan['$fs --local'](); },1000); fs = webfan['$fs --local'](); webfan.plug('$import webkitWebfanShim', function(){ return webkitWebfanShim; }); webfan.plug('$win open', function(){ return suggested['$win open'](arguments); }); webfan.plug('$win close', function(){ return suggested['$win close'](arguments); }); webfan.plug('file://ls', function(){ var _Arguments =[0]; if(true === navigator['-webkit-webfan'] ){ return webfan['$fs --local']().readdir(_Arguments[0], function(err, files) { if (err) { errorFn(err + ' : ' +_Arguments[0]); return; } _Arguments[1](files); /* webfan['$fs --local']().close(); */ } ); }else{ return webfan['$fs --local']().ls(_Arguments[0], function(entries) { _Arguments[1](entries); }, errorFn); } }); webfan.plug('temp://ls', function(){ var _Arguments =[0]; return webfan['$fs --local']('temp').ls(_Arguments[0], function(entries) { _Arguments[1](entries); }, errorFn); }); webfan.plug('file://chdir', function(){ var _Arguments =[0]; if(true === navigator['-webkit-webfan']){ process.chdir(_Arguments[0]); }else{ webfan['$fs --local']().cd(_Arguments[0], function(dirEntry) { if('function'===typeof _Arguments[2])_Arguments[2](dirEntry); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[1]) ? _Arguments[1] : errorFn); } }); webfan.plug('file://write -f', function(){ var _Arguments =[0]; if(true === navigator['-webkit-webfan'] ){ webfan['$fs --local']().writeFile(_Arguments[0],_Arguments[1], function(err) { if (err) { (('function'===typeof _Arguments[3]) ? _Arguments[3] : errorFn)(err); return; } if('function'===typeof _Arguments[2])_Arguments[2](_Arguments[0]); webfan['$fs --local']().close(); }); }else{ webfan['$fs --local']().write(_Arguments[0], {data:_Arguments[1]},function(fileEntry, fileWriter) { if('function'===typeof _Arguments[2])_Arguments[2](_Arguments[0], fileEntry, fileWriter); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[3]) ? _Arguments[3] : errorFn); } }); webfan.plug('temp://write -f', function(){ var _Arguments =[0]; webfan['$fs --local']('temp').write(_Arguments[0], {data:_Arguments[1]},function(fileEntry, fileWriter) { if('function'===typeof _Arguments[2]) _Arguments[2](_Arguments[0], fileEntry, fileWriter); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[3]) ? _Arguments[3] : errorFn); }); webfan.plug('file://mkdir', function(){ var _Arguments =[0]; if(true === navigator['-webkit-webfan'] ){ return webfan['$fs --local']().mkdir(_Arguments[0], ('undefined'!==typeof _Arguments[1] && 'function'!==typeof _Arguments[1]) ? _Arguments[1] :parseInt('0755', 8), function(err) { if (err) { ('function'===typeof _Arguments[3]) ? _Arguments[3](err) : errorFn(err); return; } /* if('function'===typeof _Arguments[2]){ webfan['file://ls'](_Arguments[0], function(files){ _Arguments[2](files); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[3]) ? _Arguments[3] : errorFn); } */ } ); }else{ return webfan['$fs --local']().mkdir(_Arguments[0], (true=== _Arguments[1] || false=== _Arguments[1]) ? _Arguments[1] : false , function(dirEntry) { if('function'===typeof _Arguments[2])_Arguments[2](dirEntry); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[3]) ? _Arguments[3] : errorFn); } }); webfan.plug('temp://mkdir', function(){ var _Arguments =[0]; webfan['$fs --local']('temp').mkdir(_Arguments[0], false, function(dirEntry) { _Arguments[1]( _Arguments[0], dirEntry); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[2]) ? _Arguments[2] : errorFn); }); webfan.plug('file://read -f', function(){ var _Arguments =[0]; var eFn = function(err, path){ if('string' !== typeof path)path = _Arguments[0]; console.warn(err + ' : ' + path); }; if(true === navigator['-webkit-webfan'] ){ webfan['$fs --local']().readFile(_Arguments[0], function(err, data) { if (err) { if('function'===typeof _Arguments[2]){ _Arguments[2](err + ' : ' +_Arguments[0]); }else{ eFn(err, _Arguments[0]); } return; } _Arguments[1](data ); }); }else{ webfan['$fs --local']().open(_Arguments[0], function(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(ev) { _Arguments[1](; }; reader.readAsBinaryString(file); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[2]) ? _Arguments[2] : eFn); } }); webfan.plug('temp://read -f', function(){ var _Arguments =[0]; /* webfan['$fs --local']().*/ webfan['$fs --local']().fs.root.getFile(_Arguments[0], {create: false}, function(fileEntry) { fileEntry.file(function(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function(ev) { _Arguments[1]( ); }; reader.readAsBinaryString(file); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[2]) ? _Arguments[2] : errorFn); }, ('function'===typeof _Arguments[2]) ? _Arguments[2] : errorFn); }); }; exports = module.exports = webkitWebfanShim; }());