* jQuery plugin to impliment RSA public key encryption for
* form submissions.
* Utilizes the pidCrypt libraries for client public key
* encryption while the associated PHP class uses
* OpenSSL to generate the necessary private/public key pairs used
* by this plug-in
* Fork me @ https://www.github.com/jas-/jQuery.pidCrypt
* Author: Jason Gerfen <jason.gerfen@gmail.com>
* License: GPL (see LICENSE)
* @function jQuery.pidCrypt
* @abstract Plug-in to implement pidCrypt RSA and AES
* encryption for public key encryption of
* web form elements with support for
* client storage options
* @param method string Method to employ for form ID DOM object
* default, sign, verify, encrypt_sign,
* decrypt_verify, authenticate
* @param options object options object for specific operations
* cache, debug, callback
$.fn.pidCrypt = function(method) {
* @object defaults
* @abstract Default set of options for plug-in
var defaults = defaults || {
appID: '', // Configurable CSRF token
storage: 'session', // Configurable storage mechanism
formID: $(this), // Global object for bound DOM object
type: 'json', // Configurable method of communication
aes: '', // Global object for AES encryption key
keys: {}, // Global object for client keyring
use: '', // Global object for client public key
callback: function(){}, // Configurable callback method on XMLHttpRequest success
preCallback: function(){}, // Configurable callback prior to XMLHttpRequest
errCallback: function(){} // Configurable callback on XMLHttpRequest error
* @object methods
* @abstract Plug-in methods
var methods = methods || {
* @function init
* @abstract Default plug-in method. Requests public key, optionally
* uses client storage for key, gathers non-null form elements,
* encrypts and sends to server for private key decryption
init: function(o){
var opts = _main.__setup(o, defaults);
$('#keyring').change(function(){ $('body').data('use', _modal.__e(opts, $(this).val())); opts = _main.__setup(o, defaults); });
$('#'+opts.formID.attr('id')).on('submit', function(e){
_main.__do(opts, _main.__gF(opts));
return true;
* @object main
* @abstract Handles primary functions
var _main = _main || {
* @object _do
* @abstract Performs all AJAX requests. Sets additional CSRF and checksum
* header fields which can be verified on server
__do: function(o, a){
var _data = (typeof a=='object') ? _strings.__serialize(a) : a;
form: o.formID.attr('id'),
url: o.formID.attr('action'),
type: o.formID.attr('method'),
data: _data,
dataType: o.type,
crossDomain: (o.type==='jsonp') ? true : false,
beforeSend: function(xhr){
xhr = _main.__sH(o, xhr, _data);
((o.preCallback)&&($.isFunction(o.preCallback))) ? o.preCallback(xhr) : false;
success: function(x, status, xhr){
(x) ? _keys.__hR(x, o) : false;
((o.callback)&&($.isFunction(o.callback))) ? o.callback.call(x) : console.log(x);
error: function(xhr, status, error){
((o.errCallback)&&($.isFunction(o.errCallback))) ? o.errCallback.call(xhr, status, error) : false;
* @function __setup
* @abstract Performs simple global setup functions
__setup: function(o, d){
var opts = $.extend({}, d, o);
opts.aes = _encrypt.__sAES();
opts.keys = _keys.__existing(opts);
opts.appID = (_validation.__vStr(opts.appID)) ? opts.appID : _keys.__gUUID(null);
if (_validation.__szCk(opts.keys)<=0){
opts.use = ($('body').data('use')) ? $('body').data('use') : _keys.__sK(opts);
return opts;
* @function __gF
* @abstract Performs object creation of non-null form elements
__gF: function(o){
var obj={};
if (!_validation.__vStr(o.use)) {
o = _main.__setup(o, defaults);
$.each($('#'+o.formID.attr('id')+' :input, input:radio:selected, input:checkbox:checked, textarea'), function(k, v){
if ((_validation.__vStr(v.value))&&(_validation.__vStr(v.name))){
obj[v.name] = (parseInt(v.value.length)>80) ? _strings.__sSplt(v.value) : v.value;
return _encrypt.__eO(o, obj);
* @function __sH
* @abstract Sets application specific header options
__sH: function(o, xhr, _data){
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Alt-Referer', o.appID);
if (_validation.__vStr(_keys.__gT(document.cookie))){
if (_validation.__vStr(_data)){
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-MD5', pidCryptUtil.encodeBase64(pidCrypt.MD5(_data)));
} else {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-MD5', pidCryptUtil.encodeBase64(pidCrypt.MD5(o.appID)));
if (!_data){
xhr.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', _keys.__id());
xhr.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return xhr;
* @object keys
* @abstract Object providing interface for key retrieval and storage
var _keys = _keys || {
* @function __hK
* @abstract Handles retrieval, encryption and storage of key
__hK: function(o){
var y = function(){
var z = (this) ? this : false;
var email = ((z)&&(z.email)) ? z.email : o.appID;
var key = ((z)&&(z.key)) ? z.key : false;
if (!key) return false;
var obj = {}; obj[o.appID] = {};
obj[o.appID]['email'] = _encrypt.__e(o.aes, email, o.appID);
obj[o.appID]['key'] = _encrypt.__e(o.aes, key, o.appID);
obj = $.extend({}, obj, _keys.__existing(o));
_storage.__sI(o.storage, _keys.__id(), JSON.stringify(obj));
o.callback = y;
_main.__do(o, {'key': true});
return true;
* @function __sK
* @abstract Attempts to find email address for user specific key retrieval
__sK: function(o){
var _r = false;
if (_validation.__szCk(o.keys)>0){
$.each(o.keys, function(a,b){
var _x = /[0-9a-z-_.]{2,45}\@[0-9a-z-_.]{2,45}\.[a-z]{2,4}/i;
var _e = _encrypt.__d(o.aes, b['email'], a);
if (_x.test(_e)){
_r = _encrypt.__d(o.aes, b['key'], a);
return false;
} else {
_r = _encrypt.__d(o.aes, b['key'], a);
return _r;
* @function existing
* @abstract Function used to return configured options
* as JSON object
__existing: function(o){
return (_storage.__gI(o.storage, _keys.__id())) ? JSON.parse(_storage.__gI(o.storage, _keys.__id())) : false;
* @function __id
* @abstract Need an id to associate the public key and other
* configuration options with a hostname or url
__id: function(){
return (_validation.__vStr(location.host)) ? location.host : (_validation.__vStr(location.hostname)) ? location.hostname : 'localhost';
* @function gUUID
* @abstract Generate a uuid (RFC-4122) string or optional hex
* string of specified length
__gUUID: function(len){
var chars = '0123456789abcdef'.split('');
var uuid = [], rnd = Math.random, r;
uuid[8] = uuid[13] = uuid[18] = uuid[23] = '-';
uuid[14] = '4';
for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++){
if (!uuid[i]){
r = 0 | rnd()*16;
uuid[i] = chars[(i == 19) ? (r & 0x3) | 0x8 : r & 0xf];
return (len!==null) ? uuid.join('').replace(/-/g, '').split('',len).join('') : uuid.join('');
* @function strIV
* @abstract Generate IV from string
__strIV: function(s){
return (s) ? encodeURI(s.replace(/-/gi, '').substring(16,Math.ceil(16*s.length)%s.length)) : false;
* @function __hR
* @abstract Searches response for new keyring data if any
__hR: function(r, o){
var x = false;
if (_validation.__szCk(r)>0){
$.each(r, function(a, b){
if ((a==='keyring')&&(_validation.__vStr(b['email']))){
if(!_keys.__hlpr(o, b['email'])){
var k = _keys.__gUUID(null); var obj = {}; obj[k] = {};
obj[k]['email'] = _encrypt.__e(o.aes, b['email'], k);
obj[k]['key'] = _encrypt.__e(o.aes, b['key'], k);
obj = $.extend({}, obj, _keys.__existing(o));
_storage.__sI(o.storage, _keys.__id(), JSON.stringify(obj));
return x;
* @function __hlpr
* @abstract Performs comparison on existing keyring entries for specified
* email address
__hlpr: function(o, e){
var _r = false;
$.each(_keys.__existing(o), function(a, b){
if (_encrypt.__d(o.aes, b['email'], a)==e){
_r = true;
return _r;
* @function __gT
* @abstract Obtains authentication token from cookie if it exists
__gT: function(c){
var _r=false; var _c = c.split(';');
$.each(_c, function(a, b){
if (b.match('token=')){
return _r;
* @object encrypt
* @abstract Handles encryption functionality
var _encrypt = _encrypt || {
* @function eO
* @abstract Calls certParser() on public key, intializes results with
* external pidCrypt.RSA object, performs public key encryption
* on object and returns results as object
__eO: function(o, obj){
var x = {}; var y = _encrypt.__certParser(o.use);
if (_validation.__szCk(obj)>0){
$.each(obj, function(a, b){
if (typeof b==='object'){
$.each(b, function(k, v){
x[a][k] = pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.encrypt(v);
} else {
x[a] = pidCrypt.RSA.prototype.encrypt(b);
} else {
x = 0;
return x;
* @function sAES
* @abstract Returns pidCrypt.AES.CBC object for client AES storage
__sAES: function(){
return new pidCrypt.AES.CBC();
* @function iP
* @abstract Returns external pidCrypt.RSA object once certParse()
* generates necessary bytes from public key
__iP: function(pub){
var rsa = false;
if (pub.b64){
var x = pidCryptUtil.decodeBase64(pub.b64);
rsa = new pidCrypt();
var asn = pidCrypt.ASN1.decode(pidCryptUtil.toByteArray(x));
var tree = asn.toHexTree();
return rsa;
* parse public/private key function
* (Copyright https://www.pidder.com/pidcrypt/?page=demo_rsa-encryption)
__certParser: function(cert){
if (!cert) return false;
var lines = cert.split('\n');
var read = false;
var b64 = false;
var end = false;
var flag = '';
var retObj = {};
retObj.info = '';
retObj.salt = '';
retObj.b64 = '';
retObj.aes = false;
retObj.mode = '';
retObj.bits = 0;
for(var i=0; i< lines.length; i++){
flag = lines[i].substr(0,9);
if(i==1 && flag != 'Proc-Type' && flag.indexOf('M') == 0)//unencrypted cert?
b64 = true;
case '-----BEGI':
read = true;
case 'Proc-Type':
retObj.info = lines[i];
case 'DEK-Info:':
var tmp = lines[i].split(',');
var dek = tmp[0].split(': ');
var aes = dek[1].split('-');
retObj.aes = (aes[0] == 'AES')?true:false;
retObj.mode = aes[2];
retObj.bits = parseInt(aes[1]);
retObj.salt = tmp[1].substr(0,16);
retObj.iv = tmp[1];
case '':
b64 = true;
case '-----END ':
b64 = false;
read = false;
if(read && b64)
retObj.b64 += pidCryptUtil.stripLineFeeds(lines[i]);
return retObj;
* @function __e
* @abstract Encrypts specified string with specified pass & salt
__e: function(o, d, p){
return encodeURI(o.encryptText(d, pidCrypt.SHA512(p), {nBits:256, salt:_keys.__strIV(pidCrypt.SHA512(p))}));
* @function __d
* @abstract Decrypts specified string with specified pass & salt
__d: function(o, d, p){
return decodeURI(o.decryptText(d, pidCrypt.SHA512(p), {nBits:256, salt:_keys.__strIV(pidCrypt.SHA512(p))}));
* @object strings
* @abstract Handles string processing
var _strings = _strings || {
* @function _serialize
* @abstract Create serialized string of object
__serialize: function(args){
if (_validation.__szCk(args)>0){
var x='';
$.each(args, function(a, b){
if (typeof b==='object'){
$.each(b, function(c, d){
} else {
x = x.substring(0, x.length-1);
} else {
return false;
return x;
* @function sSplt
* @abstract Splits string length helper to overcome limitations with RSA
* cipher and key sizes
__sSplt: function(str){
var t = str.length/80;
var y = {}; var x=0; var z=80;
for (var i=0; i<t; i++) {
if (i>0) { x=x+80; z=z+80; }
if (str.slice(x, z).length>0) {
y[i] = str.slice(x, z);
return y;
* @object storage
* @abstract Object to provide interface to key storage options
var _storage = _storage || {
* @function sI
* @abstract Proxy function for setting data with specified client storage
* option
__sI: function(type, k, v){
var x = false;
type = (_validation.__vStore(type+'Storage')) ? type : 'cookie';
switch(type) {
case 'local':
x = this.__sL(k, v);
case 'session':
x = this.__sS(k, v);
case 'cookie':
x = this.__sC(k, v);
x = this.__sL(k, v);
return x;
* @function gI
* @abstract Proxy function for getting data with specified client storage
* option
__gI: function(type, k){
var x = false;
type = (_validation.__vStore(type+'Storage')) ? type : 'cookie';
switch(type) {
case 'local':
x = this.__gL(k);
case 'session':
x = this.__gS(k);
case 'cookie':
x = this.__gC(k);
x = this.__gL(k);
return x;
* @function dI
* @abstract Proxy function for deleting data with specified client storage
* option
__dI: function(type, k){
var x = false;
type = (_validation.__vStore(type+'Storage')) ? type : 'cookie';
switch(type) {
case 'local':
x = this.__dL(k);
case 'session':
x = this.__dS(k);
case 'cookie':
x = this.__dC(k);
x = this.__dL(k);
return x;
* @function sL
* @abstract Function used to set localStorage items
__sL: function(k, v){
return (localStorage.setItem(k, v)) ? false : true;
* @function sS
* @abstract Function used to set sessionStorage items
__sS: function(k, v){
return (sessionStorage.setItem(k, v)) ? false : true;
* @function sC
* @abstract Function used to set cookie items
__sC: function(k, v){
if (typeof $.cookie === 'function') {
return ($.cookie(k, v, {expires: 7})) ? true : false;
} else {
return false;
* @function gL
* @abstract Function used to get localStorage items
__gL: function(k){
return (localStorage.getItem(k)) ? localStorage.getItem(k) : false;
* @function sS
* @abstract Function used to get sessionStorage items
__gS: function(k){
return (sessionStorage.getItem(k)) ? sessionStorage.getItem(k) : false;
* @function sC
* @abstract Function used to get cookie items
__gC: function(name){
if (typeof $.cookie === 'function') {
return ($.cookie(name)) ? $.cookie(name) : false;
} else {
return false;
* @function dL
* @abstract Function used to delete localStorage items
__dL: function(k){
return (localStorage.removeItem(k)) ? localStorage.removeItem(k) : false;
* @function dS
* @abstract Function used to delete sessionStorage items
__dS: function(k){
return (sessionStorage.removeItem(k)) ? sessionStorage.removeItem(k) : false;
* @function dC
* @abstract Function used to delete cookie items
__dC: function(name){
if (typeof $.cookie === 'function') {
return ($.cookie(name, '', {expires: -7})) ? true : false;
} else {
return false;
* @method validation
* @abstract Provides interface to validation functionality
var _validation = _validation || {
* @function vStr
* @abstract Function used combine string checking functions
__vStr: function(x){
if (!x) return false;
return ((x==false)||(x.length==0)||(!x)||(x==null)||(x=='')||(typeof x=='undefined')) ? false : true;
* @function vStore
* @abstract Function used to validate client storage option
__vStore: function(type){
try {
return ((type in window)&&(window[type])) ? true : false;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* @function szCk
* @abstract Performs a check on object sizes
__szCk: function(obj){
var n = 0;
$.each(obj, function(k, v){
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) n++;
return n;
* @method modal
* @abstract Modal object
var _modal = _modal || {
* @function __setup
* @abstract Provides preliminary setup for new modal window
__setup: function(o){
if (_validation.__szCk(o.keys)>=3){
var _win = '<div id="overlay"></div><div id="modal"><div id="content">'+_modal.__aK(o)+'</div></div>';
* @function __e
* @abstract Executes the decryption and assignment within the global scope
* of the user selected public key while closing the modal window
__e: function(o, e){
$.each(o.keys, function(a, b){
if (_encrypt.__d(o.aes, b['email'], a)==e){
o.use = _encrypt.__d(o.aes, b['key'], a);
$('#keyring, #content, #modal, #overlay').hide();
return o.use;
* @function __aK
* @abstract Creates selectable list of current keys
__aK: function(o){
var _s = _validation.__szCk(o.keys);
var _d = (_s>=5) ? 5 : _s;
var _x, _a = '';
if (_s>=3){
var _k = '';
_x = '<label for="keyring">Select your email:</label><select name="keyring" id="keyring" size="'+_d+'" multiple>';
$.each(o.keys, function(k, v){
_k = _encrypt.__d(o.aes, v['email'], k);
_a = /[0-9a-z-_.]{2,45}\@[0-9a-z-_.]{2,45}\.[a-z]{2,4}/i;
if (_a.test(_k)){
_x = _x + '<option value="'+_k+'">'+_k+'</option>';
_x = _x + '</select>';
return _x;
* @function __r
* @abstract Function used help debug objects recursively
var __r = function(obj){
$.each(obj, function(x,y){
if (typeof y==='object'){
} else {
console.log(x+' => '+y);
/* robot, do something */
if (methods[method]){
return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else if ((typeof method==='object')||(!method)){
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
console.log('Method '+method+' does not exist');