/* Copyright (c) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyrights licensed under the MIT License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */
/* was attempting the following formatters for gg and ms but the assets don't have enough consistency
* e.g. jquery.ui/ver/jquery-ui.min.js (dot and dash interchanged), swfobject/ver/swfobject.js (no min)
function ajaxFormatter (prefix)
return function (mod, ver)
return prefix + mod + '/' + ver + '/' + mod + '.min.js';
function ajaxDeformatter (mod)
var matches = new RegExp('/([a-z-]+)/([0-9ab\.]+)/[a-z-\.]+.js$').exec(mod);
return matches ? [matches[1], matches[2]] : false;
function yuiFormatter (mod, ver)
return (ver || '3.5.1') + '/build/' + mod + '/' + mod + '-min.js';
function yuiDeformatter (mod)
var matches = new RegExp('/([0-9ab\.]+)/build/([a-z-]+)/[a-z-]+.js$').exec(mod);
return matches ? [matches[2], matches[1]] : false;
var cdns = {
cb: {host: 'cmbn.us'},
cc: {host: 'cdncss.com'},
cj: {host: 'cdnjs.cloudflare.com', prefix: 'ajax/libs/'},
gg: {host: 'ajax.googleapis.com', prefix: 'ajax/libs/'},
gh: {host: 'raw.github.com', protocol: 'https'},
ms: {host: 'ajax.aspnetcdn.com', prefix: 'ajax/'},
yui: {host: 'yui.yahooapis.com', formatter: yuiFormatter, deformatter: yuiDeformatter}
var methods =
getCdnByHost: function (host)
var c, cdn;
for (c in cdns)
cdn = cdns.hasOwnProperty(c) ? cdns[c] : {};
if(cdn.host === host)
cdn.code = c;
return cdn;
return null;
getCdn: function (code)
return cdns[code];
addCdn: function (code, cdn)
cdns[code] = cdn;
// this doesn't really belong here but it's an easy place to stay DRY
isFunc: function (o)
return typeof o === 'function';
if(typeof module !== 'undefined')
module.exports = methods;
var win = function(){ return this; }();
win.cmbn = win.cmbn || {};
win.cmbn.cdns = methods;