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About Firefox search for settings

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Subject:About Firefox search for settings
Summary:About Firefox search for settings
Author:Giorgos Diamantis
Date:2012-08-02 19:14:01
Update:2012-08-08 06:27:07

  1. About Firefox search for settings   Reply  
Picture of Giorgos Diamantis
Giorgos Diamantis
2012-08-02 23:04:46
Please try about:config in navigation bar.

  2. Re: About Firefox search for settings   Reply  
Picture of Manuel Lemos
Manuel Lemos
2012-08-08 06:27:07 - In reply to message 1 from Giorgos Diamantis
Yes, I am aware that option. It is still better than not being able to find the configuration options you are looking for, but I think Chrome's approach is much better.