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Package would be better served if explicit direction were giv...

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      Smooth Progress Bar  >  All threads  >  Package would be better served if explicit direction were giv...  >  (Un) Subscribe thread alerts  
Subject:Package would be better served if explicit direction were giv...
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:Tom Carnevale
Date:2012-04-06 17:27:25
Update:2012-04-06 20:53:53

Tom Carnevale rated this package as follows:

Utility: Good
Consistency: Good
Examples: Sufficient

  1. Package would be better served if explicit direction were giv...   Reply  
Picture of Tom Carnevale
Tom Carnevale
2012-04-06 17:27:25
Package would be better served if explicit direction were given as to how to measure the progress in question.

  2. Re: Package would be better served if explicit direction were gi   Reply  
Picture of Manuel Lemos
Manuel Lemos
2012-04-06 19:12:43 - In reply to message 1 from Tom Carnevale
Sure, it is on my to do list. That is what that (for now empty) options array is meant to be used for.

I plan to provide options to place it in specific screen positions like the corners or the edges, as well let you specify a parent container element that will be placed anywhere you have determined.

Just let me know if you meant something different.

  3. Re: Package would be better served if explicit direction were gi   Reply  
Picture of Tom Carnevale
Tom Carnevale
2012-04-06 20:02:13 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
Not sure if we're talking about the same thing. If the script is to update the progress bar smoothly or uniformly, the script will work.

However, the progress will not measure the actual progress of the task completed.

To do so, it seems to me, you'd need to capture the percentage of the task completed, then pass that percentage to the script.

Example - the user clicks an update button. You want to show via the progress bar the percentage of the update completed. Even if you could measure percentages completed, how would you pass the percentage to the script?

I suspect I was reading more into the purpose of the script than intended.


  4. Re: Package would be better served if explicit direction were gi   Reply  
Picture of Manuel Lemos
Manuel Lemos
2012-04-06 20:53:54 - In reply to message 3 from Tom Carnevale
If the total of the task changed during the execution, you can change the total variable. Other than that, the setProgress function should always be used to update the amount done and make the bar reflect that.