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      feedMe  >  All threads  >  Documentation  >  (Un) Subscribe thread alerts  
Summary:Do you have any documentation on feedMe?
Date:2012-10-18 05:30:52
Update:2012-10-18 13:11:30

  1. Documentation   Reply  
Picture of Andrea
2012-10-18 05:30:52
I'm trying to run your feedMe test and nothing seems to be happening. Looking at feedme.js there seems to be a lot of 'external' things being called so I was curious as to what the various parts are doing so I can debug it myself.

Is there any documentation on what it is doing and where one would put their own RSS feed file?


  2. Re: Documentation   Reply  
Picture of Karl Holz
Karl Holz
2012-10-18 13:11:30 - In reply to message 1 from Andrea
Hey Andrea,

I have a basic howto in the Readme.txt, you should download the full package to see how it works with the demo I included!

PrettyPrint.js will dump the object to help you debug the feed; test.html will show you how the class is used with the RSS feeds in the link tags.

You can also pass the URL of your feed when you call the class, but it must be on the same domain or it will fail; my proxyCast on phpclasses.org is a solution to this problem.

example from the read me:

$('link[type="application/rss+xml"]').each(function() {
var link = $(this).attr('href');
var f = feedMe(link);
/** Do something with the object */

I hope this helps you out,
