Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2016-01-14 (9 months ago)  | | Not enough user ratings | | Total: 341 This week: 1 | | All time: 108 This week: 22 |
Description | | Author |
This object can capture pictures or video with the webcam.
It can check if the browser can access the webcam, and if so, capture a picture or a stream of video.
Pictures are return as data URLs, so they can be viewed to image elements.
When it is not supported to take pictures, a file input is presented to let the user pick a local file. Recommendations
Innovation Award
 September 2014
Prize: One book of choice by Packt |
More recent versions of Web browsers provide an API to access Webcams.
This object takes advantage of that API to capture pictures from a Webcam and save it as a string of binary data.
Manuel Lemos |
| |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 1x
Winner: 1x |
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Make use of the webcam in the browser, using an optional fallback to use the camera of mobile devices or to upload pictures from disc.
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Example on:
| Method | Description |
| element | Returns the actual video HTMLElement |
| fallback | Fallback mechanism to select files. Use this when you want to take pics from a mobile device or upload pictures from disc |
| isStarted | Checks whether the webcam is started |
| isSupported | Checks whether or not the API is supported by the browser |
| start | Enables the webcam, will ask the user to share his webcam |
| stop | Stops the Webcam object |
| takePicture | Take a still image of the webcam, returns a Blob |
| uriToBlob | Takes in a dataUri and transforms it into a Blob |
| useFallback | Sets if a fallback mechanism should be in place to select files. Set this to true when you want to take pics from a mobile device or upload pictures from dics |
var webcam = new Webcam('#video');
if (webcam.isSupported()) {
webcam.start({video: true, audio: false}, function(stream) {
// success function, video is streaming...
}, function(e) {
alert('Oops, something went wrong');
// now take an picture using the webcam
var pic = webcam.takePicture();
// and assign it to an image
document.querySelector('#img').src = pic;
else {
alert('API is not supported by your browser');
Reading material

Applications that use this package |
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