
JavaScript EU Cookie Law: Block cookies until the user accept them by EU law

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eu-cookie-law 2.7.2GNU Lesser Genera...1Browser
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This object can block cookies until the user accepts them by EU law.

It redefines the document cookie property with new setter and getter functions, so it can prevent cookies to be defined or retrieved until the user allows the cookies to be set for the current page Web site.

The object can show a banner when the current page is loaded with a message with links to let the user accept or reject the use of cookies in the current site.

EUROPA websites must follow the Commission's guidelines on privacy and data protection and inform users that cookies are not being used to gather information unnecessarily.

Innovation Award
JavaScript Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2015
Number 3

Prize: One year server license IP to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code database
The European Union imposed a law that requires that sites obtain permission before they store information about the users in cookies.

This package provides a solution that helps sites implementing the cookies law.

It intercepts the access to the document cookie property, so it can be used by the JavaScript on the page only after the user has given the required permission.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Diego La Monica
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Name: Diego La Monica <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Italy Italy
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x



> EUROPA websites must follow the Commission's guidelines on privacy and data protection and inform users that cookies are not being used to gather information unnecessarily.

> The ePrivacy directive ? more specifically Article 5(3) ? requires prior informed consent for storage for access to information stored on a user's terminal equipment. In other words, you must ask users if they agree to most cookies and similar technologies (e.g. web beacons, Flash cookies, etc.) before the site starts to use them.

> For consent to be valid, it must be informed, specific, freely given and must constitute a real indication of the individual's wishes.

In this context this solution lives. It simply alters the default document.cookie behavior to disallow cookies to be written on the client side, until the user accept the agreement. At the same time it blocks all third-party domains you have configured as cookie generators.


If you find this script useful, and since I've noticed that nobody did this script before of me, I'd like to receive a donation. :)

How to use

If you want to use it as wordpress plugin then skip the Client side and the Server side sections

Client side

Download the script file EUCookieLaw.js

Add this code in your HTML head section (better if before all others JavaScripts)

<script src="EUCookieLaw.js"></script>
    new EUCookieLaw({
        languages: {
            Italiano: {
                title: 'Informativa sull\'uso dei cookie',
                message: 'In base ad una direttiva europea sulla privacy e la protezione dei dati personali, è necessario il tuo consenso prima di conservare i cookie nel tuo browser. Me lo consenti?',
                agreeLabel: 'Sono d\'accordo',
                disagreeLabel: 'Non sono d\'accordo'
            English: {
                title: 'Cookie Policy',
                message: 'According to european directive about privacy you need to agree this policy before surfing this site.',
                agreeLabel: 'I agree',
                disagreeLabel: 'I disagree'

If the user accepts the agreement then EUCookieLaw will store a cookie for itself (to remember that the user accepted the agreement) named __eucookielaw with true as value, that lives during the current session.

Customize the behavior

the EUCookieLaw initialization expect an Object with the following properties:

  • showBanner (boolean default false) if you want to show a banner at the top of your page you need to set this option to true.
  • reload (boolean default false) if true the page will be refreshed after the user accepts the agreement. This is useful is used in conjunction with the server side part.
  • message is the message used by the default confirmation dialog. In the case of showBanner, the message can be an HTML content. > NOTE: Since version 2.7.0 this property is deprecated in favor of languages.<language> object
  • debug (boolean default false) if true will show in browser console some useful informations about script execution.
  • cookieEnabled (boolean default false) set to true to not show the banner. However this setting will change once the user take a choice.
  • cookieRejected (boolean default false) set to true to not show the banner. However this setting will change once the user take a choice.
  • duration (integer default 0) the number of days you want the cookie will expire. If 0, it will produce a session cookie.
  • remember (boolean default true) if setted to true, the user rejection will be remember through the current session else the choice will be valid only for the current page.
  • path (string defualt /) defines the path where the consent cookie will be valid.
  • domain (string default setted to window.location.host value) defines the domain which to apply the cookie. > Note: Define it to false if the URL is defined by IP instead of domain.
  • cookieList (array default []) the list of techincal cookies the user cannot choose to reject. If some script try to write one of the listed cookie it will be accepted. > TIP: You can use the * wildchar as suffix to intend all the cookies that starts with a specific value (eg. __umt* will mean __umta, __umtc and so on).
  • blacklist (array default []) if some script try to inject HTML into the page trhough the document.write it will be allowed only if in the code is not present something that points to one of the blacklisted domain.
  • reload (boolean default false) if set to true, the page will be reloaded on user agreement.
  • raiseLoadEvent (boolean default true) if set to true the page will raise the load event on user consent. > Note: some javascript analisys tools requires the event load to be fired, at the same time some scripts would consider the load event to be fired just one time in the life of the page so you should check if all the script on your page is compliant with the same behavior to determine which is the best setting for you and your page.

Options available only if showBanner is true

  • id (string default boolean false) if not false the banner box will not be created and the script will assume that the banner is the one referred by the id. > NOTE: do not set the hash (#) before the id (eg. OK id: 'my-box' NO id: '#my-banner')
  • tag if not empty, the script will use it as predefined tag for title content of the banner. The default value is h1. If the value is an empty string the title is not shown.
  • bannerTitle will be the banner title, it will be used only if the tag value is set. > NOTE: Since version 2.7.0 this property is deprecated in favor of languages.<language> object
  • agreeLabel the agree button label. Default is I agree > NOTE: Since version 2.7.0 this property is deprecated in favor of languages.<language> object
  • disagreeLabel the disagreement button label. Default is an empty string. If not given the disagree button will not be shown. > NOTE: Since version 2.7.0 this property is deprecated in favor of languages.<language> object
  • fixOn it defines if the banner is fixed on top or bottom, default value, if not defined or empty, is top. Allowed values are top, bottom or static.
  • showAgreement is the callback method that will show the dialog with the user agreement about the cookie usage. If you use a synchronous mode to show a dialog (eg. confirm method) the showAgreement must return true if the user have accepted the agreement, in all other cases (user rejected the agreement or in asynchronous mode) it must return false.
  • agreeOnScroll if true, when the user will scroll the page, then the agreement is implicitly accepted. The default value is false.
  • minScroll a number (strictly depending on agreeOnScroll=true) which defines the number of pixels the user need to scroll to apply consent. The default value if not defined is 100.
  • agreeOnClick if true, the user express its conesnt by clicking wherever on the page (but outside the banner).
  • languages allows the banner translation, this property keep a set of languages which ones contains the relative informations about the title, message and button labels. `javascript var settings = { // ... languages: { Italiano: { title: 'titolo', message: 'messaggio del banner', agreeLabel: "sono d'accordo", disagreeLabel: "non sono d'accordo" }, English: { title: '...', message: '...', agreeLabel: "...", disagreeLabel: "..." }, // ... and so on... } }; `

Once EUCookieLaw is initialized, you can access some useful methods in your JavaScript:

  • enableCookies enables the site to store cookies
  • reject reject the cookies agreement
  • isRejected if the user have rejected the request to store cookie
  • isCookieEnabled if the site can store cookies
  • reconsider allows the user to review again the banner and take a new choice. To invoke this function from everywhere in your policy page you can create a link or a button with the following code: `html <a href="#" onclick="(new EUCookieLaw()).reconsider(); return false;"> Reconsider my choice </a> `

Custom agreement example

Synchronous mode (see demo):

<script src="EUCookieLaw.js"></script>
    function myCustomAgreement(){
        if(!eu.isRejected()) {
            if (confirm('do you agree?')) {
                return true;
        return false;

    new EUCookieLaw({
        showAgreement: myCustomAgreement

Asynchronous mode (see demo):

<script src="EUCookieLaw.js"></script>

    function showDialog(){
         * Your custom dialog activator goes here
    function myCustomAgreement(){
        /show some HTML-made dialog box/
        return false;

    new EUCookieLaw({
        showAgreement: myCustomAgreement

With agreement banner (see demo):

<script src="EUCookieLaw.js"></script>

    new EUCookieLaw({
        message: "La legge prevede l'autorizzazione all'utilizzo dei cookie. Me la vuoi dare per favore?",
        showBanner: true,
        bannerTitle: 'Autorizzazione alla conservazione dei cookie',
        agreeLabel: 'Do il mio consenso',
        disagreeLabel: 'Nego il consenso',
        tag: 'h1'

Server Side

> NOTE: The server side usage is available only for servers which has PHP installed.

The server-side script intercept the output buffer and will remove the sent cookies when user has not yet approved the agreement.

Then you should include the file eucookielaw-header.php as the first operation on your server.

This will ensure you that any of your script or CMS like Drupal, Joomla or whatever you are using, is able to write a cookie if the user doesn't given his consensus.

// This must be the first line of code of your main, always called, file.
require_once 'eucookielaw-header.php'; 

However if the server already detected that the user agreed the cookie law agreement the script does not override the built-in function.

> NOTE: Some servers does not have enabled by default the PHP zlib extension, then you should upload the file gzcompat.php too to your server. The file is included on demand by eucookielaw-header.php if needed. To ensure the right inclusion, both files (eucookielaw-header.php and gzcompat.php must reside in the same folder).

Further if you want to block some javascript elements you can do it by adding a data-eucookielaw="block" attribute to the script elements.

Server side constants

If you want to block specific domains you can define in your script (before including eucookielaw-header.php) two constants:

  • EUCOOKIELAW_USE_DOM if true and the class DOMDocument is available, then the default parser will use DOMDocument. In all other cases the Regular Expressions will be used to parse page contents. > Note: It's suggested to enable this option as default. Disable it only if the page results is a damaged content.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_DISALLOWED_DOMAINS a semicolon (;) separated list of URLs disallowed since the user does not accept the agreement. Each space before and/or after each URL will be removed. > Note: if the domain start by a dot (eg. .google.com) then all the related subdomains will be included in the temporary blacklist.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_LOOK_IN_TAGS a pipe (|) separated list of tags where to search for the domains to block. If not specified, the deafault tags are iframe, script, link, img, embed and param.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_LOOK_IN_SCRIPTS a boolean value, if true the URLs defined in EUCOOKIELAW_DISALLOWED_DOMAINS will be searched in the <script>...</script> tags too.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_SEARCHBOT_AS_HUMAN if true the search engines will be threated as humans (same contents, to avoid accidental cloacking contents).
  • EUCOOKIELAW_ALLOWED_COOKIES the list (must be a comma separated value) of techincal cookies that the server is allowed to generate and that will not removed from headers. > TIP \#1: You can use the * wildchar as suffix to intend all the cookies that starts with a specific value (eg. __umt* will mean __umta, __umtc and so on). > TIP \#2: If you use just * all cookies generated by your Web Site are allowed.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_AUTOSTART if you want to invoke late the ob_start then you should define this constant to true. > NOTE: If you set this option to true you need to invoke lately by your own the buffering class method.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_DISABLED a boolean value, if true the class EUCookieLawHeader will not be instantiated when you include the eucookielaw-cache.php in your PHP scripts.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_DEBUG a boolean value, if true the HTML output will report before each replacement the rule applied and at the beginning of the file it will show all the applied rules. > Important do not keep it enabled on production environment. > Note: in the beginning of your HTML file you can see <!-- (EUCookieLaw Debug Enabled) --> message followed by some other details. Those messages are useful to understand what exactly is happening in your site.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_DEBUG_VERBOSITY (optional, default value is 99) if EUCOOKIELAW_DEBUG is set to true this constants sets the verbosity of the log. It can assume one of the following values: * 0: Silent * 10: Several debug log messages * 20: Most of debug log messages * 99: All the log messages
  • EUCOOKIELAW_LOG_FILE (optional) if defined and EUCOOKIELAW_DEBUG is true the output log will be written in the file defined in this constant.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_ADDITIONAL_CLASS a string where to define the custom classes applied to the banner.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_TITLE the title to show on the banner.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_DESCRIPTION the description to show into the banner.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_AGREE_BUTTON the label on the agree button
  • EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_DISAGREE_BUTTON the label on the disagree button. If not defined or defined as empty string then the disagree button will not be shown on the page.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_AGREE_LINK the link to apply the consent. To let this script to manage by its own the consent, the querystring on this link must contain also the argument __eucookielaw=agree. this mean that if the link is http://example.com/my-page.html?arg1=a&arg2=b then you should append the suggested argument as follows: http://example.com/my-page.html?arg1=a&arg2=b&__eucookielaw=agree.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_DISAGREE_LINK the link to reject the consent. To let this script to manage by its own the rejection, the querystring on this link must contain also the argument __eucookielaw=disagree. this mean that if the link is http://example.com/my-page.html?arg1=a&arg2=b then you should append the suggested argument as follows: http://example.com/my-page.html?arg1=a&arg2=b&__eucookielaw=disagree.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_IGNORED_URLS the list of site urls where not to apply the cookie policy. The list of urls must be separated by new line character (\n). In the URL is allowed the * wildchar that means everything. > Few Examples: > If you type /sitemap.xml as one of the ignored URL then, the exact match will be ignored. > If you type */sitemap.xml everything that ends with /sitemap.xml will be ignored. > If you type /sitemaps/* everything in the site directory /sitemaps/ will be ignored. > If you type /folder/*.xml everything in the /folder/ directory that has .xml extension will be ignored.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_LANGUAGES a string containing json encoded data relative to languages. To produce this definition constant is worth to use the following script:


    $languages = array( 'English' => array( 'title' => 'English title of the banner', 'message' => 'English message of the banner', 'agreeLabel' => 'Agree', 'disagreeLabel' => 'Disagree' ), 'Italiano' => array( 'title' => 'Titolo del banner in italiano', 'message' => 'Messaggio del banner in italiano', 'agreeLabel' => 'Consento', 'disagreeLabel' => 'Non consento' ) );

    define('EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_LANGUAGES', json_encode($languages) );


How to manage by your own the reconsider link

While WordPress has its own shortcode to manage the reconsider button, in the standalone version you should produce a link with a specific argument into the querystring: __eucookielaw=reconsider.

Using EUCookieLaw into WordPress

The plugin is available on WordPress plugin directory.

If you want install from this repository, just download the zip and install it in your WordPress. The plugin actually supports translation in both Italian (by translation file) and English (default).

The plugin is compliant (also read as has been tested) with WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache and Zen Cache plugins to serve the right contents when the user has not yet approved the agreement.


Actually EUCookieLaw supports two shortcodes


The purpose of this shortcode is to produce a button that allow user to choose again whether to consent or not the cookie policy.

It will show a link with btn and btn-warning classes and text defined in the label attribute. If you don't define the label attribute the default value is Reconsider.

Example: [EUCookieLawReconsider label="I want take another choice"]


The purpose of this shortcode is to wrap contents into a post and make it available once the user agreed the policy.


        This content is blocked until user consent

How to make the banner title and message translate in the proper language.

> NOTE: This section is no more useful since the new settings for multiple languages.

I've implemented the custom text-domain files ( EUCookieLawCustom-it_IT.po / EUCookieLawCustom-it_IT.po ). Remember that to get custom translations properly work, you need to move the EUCookieLawCustom directory at the plugins directory level.

To be more clear the custom directory will be: wp-content/plugins/EUCookieLawCustom

Then take the file default and you have to put 4 strings in your translation file:

  • Banner title
  • Banner description
  • I agree
  • I disagree
  • Reconsider

Remember to put the above text in the plugin settings page (default behavior) and to produce the translation files (starting from the default.po located in the EUCookieLawCustom directory).

You can see a production example on my personal WebSite.

Create a detailed policy privacy page

To ensure your site is law compliant, you should have a page where you describe to your user which are the third-party cookies, which is their purpose and how to disable them. And yes! Don't forget to put the link in the banner!

CSS Cookie Banner Customization

The structure of generated banner (with the default heading tag settings) is the following:

<div class="eucookielaw-banner fixedon-top" id="eucookielaw-135">
	<div class="well">
		<h1 class="banner-title">
			The banner title
		<div class="banner-message">
			The banner message
		<ul id="eucookielaw-language-switcher">
		    <li onclick="(new EUCookieLaw()).switchLanguage('English'); return false;">
		        <a href="/?__eucookielaw=switch:English">English</a>
		    <li onclick="(new EUCookieLaw()).switchLanguage('Italiano'); return false;">
		        <a href="/?__eucookielaw=switch:Italiano">
		<p class="banner-agreement-buttons text-right">
			<a class="disagree-button btn btn-danger" onclick="(new EUCookieLaw()).reject();">Disagree</a> 
			<a class="agree-button btn btn-primary" onclick="(new EUCookieLaw()).enableCookies();">Agree</a>

  • .eucookielaw-banner is the banner container it will have a random id attribute name that starts always with eucookielaw- and then followed by a number between 0 and 200.
  • .well is the inner container
  • h1.banner-title is the banner title
  • p.banner-message is the banner html message
  • #eucookielaw-language-switcher is the list of languages which the banner is available. It is not visible if just one lanuages is available.
  • p.banner-agreement-buttons.text-right is the buttons container for the agree/disagree buttons
  • a.disagree-button is the disagree button it implements the CSS classes btn and btn-danger
  • a.disagree-button is the agree button it implements the CSS classes btn and btn-primary

You can make your own CSS to build a custom aspect for the banner. However, if you prefer, you can start from the bundled CSS.

> NOTE: If you are using the script as WordPress plugin, the custom CSS must be located in the directory wp-content/plugins/EUCookieLawCustom/ and must be named eucookielaw.css. Then it will be read in conjunction with the default plugin CSS.


I'd like to translate this plugin in all european languages, but I'm limited to the Italian and English too.

If you want to get involved in this plugin development, then fork the repository, translate in your language and make a pull request!



  • BUGFIX: If some contents to be blocked are present before the EUCookieLaw.js file inclusion the page will become broken.
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values bugfix (issue #89)
  • Updated the version number


  • IMPROVEMENTS: \[WP\] a better way to recognize if there is a cache plugin installed
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values bugfix (issue #87)
  • BUGFIX: If the only language configured is Default a javascript error occours (issue #88)
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] INIReader.php file was missing (solves issue #86 and part of issue #87)
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] Resolved an issue that has broken the Customizer.


  • NEW: In the JavaScript file EUCookieLaw.js now is available the variable EUCOOKIELAW_VERSION with the number of current version.
  • NEW: Now you can set the cookie policy's banner with multiple languages
  • NEW: \[WP\] Improved WordPress admin interface to a better management of the multiple languages.
  • NEW: \[WP\] Multilingual no requires any multilingual plugins
  • NEW: Now you can choose to raise the load event on user agreement.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: The regexp eingine now takes care about Internet Explorer Conditional Comments (solves issue #84)
  • IMPROVEMENTS: \[WP\] every minute the cron checks if the configuration files into cache are available to solve definitively the issues against WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache plugins.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: \[WP\] When wp-config.php is not available in the site root, the plugin notify what to manually wrtite into it.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Now the banner message is nested into a div to better fit the most sites/users requirements.
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] Google Maps and Google Fonts were switched in fast service selection group
  • NOTICE: Some definitions were marked as deprecated since this version
  • Minor bugfixes and general improvements
  • Updated documentation
  • Updated translation files
  • Updated the version number


  • IMPROVEMENTS: The regenerated contents via javascript (without page reload) are correctly parsed evenif there is a document.write call
  • IMPROVEMENTS: if in the query string is present the __eucookielaw argument it will be redirected (with 301: Moved Permanently) to the same resource without the argument to avoid the Google duplicated tags warning.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: if not defined EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_ADDITIONAL_CLASS will be automatically defined as empty.
  • updated the version number


  • BUGFIX: Removed an accidentally leaved utf8_decode method that broke the output in several servers.
  • updated the version number


  • IMPROVEMENTS: After consent the script raises the window's load event to be compliant with some scripts
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Setted DOMDocument Engine to keep the original spacing to avoid some strange behavior
  • BUGFIX: In some circumstances the regexp engine turns in infinite loop
  • updated the version number


  • NEW: Now you can configure the URL where the banner must not be shown (Issue #69, #66, #61.
  • NEW: Now you can set the debug level
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Improved javascript to avoid full page reload
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Improved Regular Expression parsing Engine
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Improved DOMDocument parsing Engine
  • IMPROVEMENTS: \[WP\] Minor admin panel reorganization
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Better code readability in eucookielaw-header.php
  • BUGFIX: W3TC Page Cache flush causes EUCookieLaw to not work properly (Issue #65).
  • BUGFIX: Cache clear after saving not works properly causing a warning in error log file
  • Minor bugfixes and general improvements
  • updated documentation
  • updated the version number


  • NEW: Now you can define the domain where the cookie will be applied
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Javascript page reload forces contents from server (ignoring browser cache)
  • BUGFIX: WP_CONTENT_DIR defined instead of EUCL_CONTENT_DIR causes some problems if site is without cache.
  • Minor bugfixes and general improvements
  • updated documentation
  • updated the version number


  • NEW: Now you can set the number of pixels for consent on scroll
  • NEW: If not configured (as constants) the agree and disagree links will be auto-generated by the server.
  • NEW: \[WP\] If you type twice a blocked URL or if a rule is already covered from another one then it will be visually noticed.
  • NEW: \[WP\] You can now analyze your home page to which external URL are called and which ones is producing cookeis.
  • NEW: \[WP\] If user agent contains the information EUCookieLaw:<VERSION_NUMBER> then it will bypass the cookielaw block (used by the site analyzer).
  • IMPROVEMENTS: If you define an empty rule in disallowed URLS it will be ignored
  • IMPROVEMENTS: \[WP\] Several improvements on admin page and admin JavaScript
  • IMPROVEMENTS: On localhost ( the domain defined for the technical cookie must be empty to grand compatibility with some browsers.
  • BUGFIX: header_remove method in PHP prior 5.3 does not exists.
  • BUGFIX: The non JavaScript version of banner was containing wrong consent/rejection URL
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] With some W3 Total Cache configuration, EUCookieLaw was producing invalid output
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] Path definition confilcts with NextGenGallery
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] On settings page the Replaced scripts source assumes the value of Replaced iframe source also if the value is correctly saved.
  • updated translation files
  • updated documentation
  • updated the version number


  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] JavaScript for the admin interface was corrupted.
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] Unable to save settings due to a 1 accidentally placed in the wrong place.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: \[WP\] Admin interface minor improvements


  • NEW: Now there are two parsing engine, one based on regular expressions and one based on DOMDocument.
  • NEW: \[WP\] Now you can import and export settings to apply the same contents on multiple sites easly.
  • NEW: Now you can write debug informations on file.
  • NEW: \[WP\] When the plugin's debug is enabled you will see an alert on every admin page.
  • NEW: New theme floating available.
  • IMPROVEMENTS: \[WP\] Admin interface improved
  • IMPROVEMENTS: Improved documentation
  • updated translation files
  • updated documentation
  • updated the version number


  • IMPROVEMENTS: Some JavaScript were not detected by the server if formatted in certain formats.
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] When W3 Total Cache is enabled and you do not have right permissions on file the message as quite cryptical.


  • NEW: \[WP\] On tinyMCE (visual editor) you have the EUCookieLaw helpers
  • NEW: \[WP\] Visual shortcodes in the visual editor
  • NEW: Now you can define which is the default file replacement for iframes and scripts.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Some improvements in admin area page
  • IMPROVEMENT: Some improvements in content identification
  • IMPROVEMENT: \[WP\] Now only administrators can access the settings page
  • BUGFIX: Due to a typos the client side cookies (generated by JavaScript) are always written
  • updated the version number


  • IMPROVEMENT: If not defined the EUCOOKIELAW_BANNER_DISAGREE_BUTTON the disagree button will not be shown on the page.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Removed the session/local storage in favor of technical session cookie for storing the user rejection
  • IMPROVEMENT: Improved the way to detect if the cookie is approved or rejected
  • IMPROVEMENT: Uniformed the way to write the technical cookie __eucookielaw
  • IMPROVEMENT: Improved the way how the banner is removed
  • IMPROVEMENT: Updated missing pieces in documentation.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Optimized behavior when asked reload of contents after consent.
  • BUGFIX: Resolved an anicient related firefox issue
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] if the disabled option is set to yes, neither the JavaScript and CSS must be loaded on the page.
  • BUGFIX: Minor bugfixes in JavaScript
  • updated the minor version number
  • updated documentation


  • BUGFIX: when PHP does not have gzdecode the method is implemented on needs.
  • BUGFIX: Internet Explorer and some mobile Browser does not recognize the instance variable as EUCookieLaw object causing a bad banner behavior.
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] NextGenGallery has some weird behavior sometimes (skipped to load the locker if it is a NGG URL.
  • IMPROVEMENT: \[WP\] The plugin now tries to write into wp-config.php only if there is another cache plugin enabled on the site.
  • IMPROVEMENT: EUCookieLaw related PHP Warnings threated as required


  • CRITICAL: Most of WordPress sites uses a FTP settings for writing files. Used native file_get_contents and file_put_contents to write data into some files for a better user experience.


  • NEW: [\WP\] Full compliant with any cache plugin (actually successfully tested with WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, Zen Cache)
  • NEW: The banner is now visible either with and without javascript enabled.
  • NEW: User consent whenever he clicks on an element of the page (Issue #12)
  • NEW: You can list the allowed cookies before consent (aka Technical Cookies). This solves the issue #15
  • NEW: Now Google Analytics is able to write cookies via JavaScript (if configured) (Issue #15)
  • NEW: \[WP\] You can enable/disable the banner on frontend (Issue #20)
  • NEW: \[WP\] You can enable/disable the banner on the login page (Issue #21)
  • NEW: You can set the "reload on scroll" (Issue #26)
  • NEW: \[WP\] Added the WPML XML Configuration File for a better WPML compatibility.
  • IMPROVEMENT: \[WP\] Lack of documentation on certain admin fields (Issue #27)
  • IMPROVEMENT: Most of PHP Code was completely refactored from the ground to improve performance and readability.
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] NextGenGallery conflict resolved (Issue #31)
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] QuickAdsense conflict resolved (Issue #36 and #32 )
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] Revolution Slider conflict resolved (Issue #37)
  • BUGFIX: Page URL changes after reload (Issue #38)
  • BUGFIX: Scroll on tablet does not work (Issue #40)
  • BUGFIX: Invalid Calling Object in Internet Explorer 9 and Safari was resolved (Issue #41)
  • updated translation files
  • updated documentation
  • updated the version number


  • NEW: Now the plugin is able to detect if the user agent and does not block contents if it is search engine
  • NEW: All the external contents are loaded after the user consent without page reloading ( Issues #4 and #10)
  • NEW: The script allows to define the consent duration in days (Issue #7, #17 and #23)
  • NEW: Now is possible to check almost in every HTML element ( Implicitly resolved issue #6)
  • NEW: The script remembers the user rejection.
  • NEW: New JavaScript public method reconsider to revoke the consent (and the rejection) showing the banner again (Issue #7)
  • NEW: \[WP\] Added shortcode for reconsider button (see documentation for further details) (Issue #7)
  • NEW: \[WP\] Added shortcode for wrapping contents (see documentation for further details)
  • NEW: Now the consent on scroll is fired at least after 100px scroll (up or down)
  • IMPROVEMENT: \[WP\] Made compliant with WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, Zen Cache (Issue #23)
  • IMPROVEMENT: Javascript has been refactored to improve performance and maintenability
  • IMPROVEMENT: \[WP\] Admin interface improved
  • IMPROVEMENT: Some CSS improvements (Issue (Issue #8)
  • BUGFIX: Consent on scroll doesn't work propery
  • BUGFIX: \[WP\] Custom content path not recognized correctly ( Issue #9)
  • BUGFIX: Typos where script was written as srcript on server script (Issue #16)
  • BUGFIX: Only first occourrence of the same/similar URL is blocked (Issue #19)
  • BUGFIX: Corrected some IE8 weird behavior
  • updated translation files
  • updated documentation
  • updated the version number


  • BUGFIX: fixed the javascript that has wrong characters in the script


  • NEW: when you specify a domain starting with a dot (eg. .google.com) all the subdomains are valid (eg. www.google.com and sub.domain.google.com)
  • NEW: Improved the banner loading (loaded before the DOM Event load)
  • NEW: Optional implicit user agree on page scrolling (Issue #4).
  • NEW: Debugging options
  • NEW: You can fix the banner on top or bottom of the page.
  • NEW: The custom CSS (from EUCookieLawCustom) will be loaded in conjunction with the default CSS.
  • BUGFIX: removed the <![CDATA[ ... ]]> envelop on script replacement due to some browser incompatibility.
  • BUGFIX: Custom translations was never read
  • updated translation files
  • updated documentation
  • updated the version number


  • BUGFIX: the default text for disagree button when not given was Disagree instead it should be empty.
  • BUGFIX: whatever is the name of the plugin directory the directory for the customizations (translations and CSS) must be /wp-content/plugins/EUCookieLawCustom/.
  • updated documentation
  • updated the version number


  • Updated the eucookielaw-header.php, NEW:* now the disallowed domains trims the spaces on each domain. It means that is allowed to write domain1.com ; domain2.com and they will be correctly interpreted as domain1.com and domain2.com
  • NEW: If not defined the disagee label text then the button is not shown. Useful for informative non-restrictive cookie policy.
  • BUGFIX: the cookie __eucookielaw setted by javascript is defined at root domain level.
  • updated documentation
  • updated the version number


  • Updated the eucookielaw-header.php, NEW:* now the search of url is performed in <script>...</script> tags too. BUGFIX:* some translations strings were broken.
  • updated translation files
  • updated documentation
  • updated the version number


This update introduces several improvements, features and bugfixes. For a detailed information about the new release see: Issue #1

  • updated the eucookielaw-header.php, NEW:* now it blocks script tags with data-eucookielaw="block" attribute NEW:* now is possible to define a blacklist of domains to block before the user consent the agreement NEW:* the blacklist is related to a set of tags (by default the plugin will scan iframe, link and script tags
  • NEW:: managed title tag, blocked domains and tags to scan
  • NEW: if the plugin WP Super Cache is installed then the plugin will clear the cache until the user has not approved the agreeement to ensure to show always the right contents
  • NEW:: if there is a CSS file named eucookielaw.css in the custom directory wp-content/plugins/EUCookieLawCustom/ the it will be appliead in place of the default one.
  • BUGFIX: unescaped post data before saving the admin settings
  • updated the version number
  • updated translation strings
  • updated documentation


  • First release


If you find this script useful, and since I've noticed that nobody did this script before of me, I'd like to receive a donation. :)

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageblocked (3 files)
Files folder imageEUCookieLawCustom (3 files, 1 directory)
Files folder imagelanguages (2 files)
Files folder imagetemplates (4 files)
Image file cookie.png Icon Version 2.3.2 released
Plain text file editor.php Appl. Version 2.3.2 released
Image file empty.gif Icon Icon image
Plain text file EUCookieLaw-admin.js Appl. Version 2.3.2 released
Plain text file eucookielaw-cache.php Appl. Version 2.3.2 released
Plain text file eucookielaw-header.php Appl. Auxiliary data
Plain text file eucookielaw-tinymce.css Appl. Version 2.3.2 released
Plain text file EUCookieLaw-tinymce.js Appl. Version 2.3.2 released
Plain text file eucookielaw-wp.php Appl. Version 2.3.2 released
Plain text file eucookielaw.css Aux. Auxiliary data
Plain text file EUCookieLaw.js Class Class source
Plain text file eucookielaw.php Appl. Made the plugin WordPress compliant
Plain text file gzcompat.php Appl. Version 2.4.0 Released
Plain text file index.html Example Auxiliary data
Plain text file index.php Data Version 2.3.2 released
Plain text file INIReader.php Data Auxiliary data
Plain text file LICENSE Lic. Auxiliary data
Plain text file readme.md Doc. Auxiliary data
Plain text file readme.txt Doc. Added the required readme.txt file for WordPress plugin approval program
Plain text file wpEUCookieLaw.js Appl. Made the plugin WordPress compliant
Plain text file wpml-config.xml Conf. Version 2.3.2 released

  Files folder image Files  /  blocked  
File Role Description
  HTML file default.html Output Version 2.3.2 released
  Plain text file default.js Output Version 2.3.2 released
  Plain text file empty.js Output Version 2.3.2 released

  Files folder image Files  /  EUCookieLawCustom  
File Role Description
Files folder imageblocked (3 files)
  Plain text file default.po Data Added the custom directory for custom messages translations
  Plain text file eucookielaw.css Data Version 1.4.1 released
  Plain text file EUCookieLawCustom-it_IT.po Data Added the custom directory for custom messages translations

  Files folder image Files  /  EUCookieLawCustom  /  blocked  
File Role Description
  HTML file default.html Output Version 2.3.2 released
  Plain text file default.js Output Version 2.3.2 released
  Plain text file empty.js Output Version 2.3.2 released

  Files folder image Files  /  languages  
File Role Description
  Plain text file default.po Data Added translation files for italian and english
  Plain text file EUCookieLaw-it_IT.po Data Added translation files for italian and english

  Files folder image Files  /  templates  
File Role Description
  Plain text file EUCookieCache.php Data Version 2.3.2 released
  Plain text file htaccess.fragment.txt Doc. Version 2.3.2 released
  Plain text file index.php Data Version 2.3.2 released
  Plain text file wp-config.fragment.php Data Version 2.3.2 released

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