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JavaScript Cookbook


JavaScript books


Shelley Powers



Release date

July 19, 2010




November 19, 2010 55555 5
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Picture of Manuel Lemos
Manuel Lemos
Every Web developer has to deal with JavaScript soon or later, often frequently. However, JavaScript is usually not the first language that Web developers use. The first language is usually the server side programming language that you use every day to write your Web application code, being that PHP, Java, C#, Python, Ruby or any other language.

Being the second language, many Web developers are not as fluent in JavaScript as they would like to be productive when they need to write small or large chunks of JavaScript code that their applications need once in a while.

You may know very well how to manipulate strings and arrays in your main Web development language. But when you need to perform similar tasks in JavaScript, you often need to look for documentation or browse the Web for quick solutions, so you can move on with your projects.

This is where a cookbook like book would be a perfect solution to keep in your desk. JavaScript Cookbook is a book that addresses precisely that need.

You can use it for your sporadic needs of coding something in JavaScript, usually without having to resort to a bloated JavaScript library when you just need to code something that just takes a couple of lines.

The book is split in many chapters divided by topics. Each topic presents a common problem, a cookbook solution, and the discussion of the solution for those that have the time and interest to understand better the theory of the solution, besides solving the actual problem.

It covers a bit of everything you may need from strings, regular expressions, date and time, numbers, arrays, events, web page elements, rich media embedding, Object Oriented Programming, popular JavaScript libraries like jQuery, cookies and local storage, etc..

All the topics mentioned above are more or less expected to be found in a book of this kind. One less obvious topic also found in the book, which I particularly enjoyed, is covered in a chapter named JavaScript Outside the box.

This chapter covers certain needs to develop something in JavaScript that may not appear frequently but many Web developers have them. It covers issues like creating plug-ins to extend browsers like Google Chrome or Firefox, creating desktop or mobile widgets, creating JavaScript applications for iPhone, Android or Blackberry, etc..

Overall this is a very good book for any Web developer to have on your desk to address common needs that require the use of some JavaScript.

This is particularly true if you are a developer that is always being rushed by demands of your boss or your clients that always want the projects to be ready yesterday.

The book structure is well-thought, in particular considering the fact that often you just need a proven solution without having to spend too much time understanding the theory details. Still, if you have the time, the book also provides you additional information so you can understand and evaluate better the proposed solutions.
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