/* March 12, 2015
* Aloha! and Mahalo for reading these comments.
The “Stylesheet” constructor is copied to the global namespace to be useful to other scripts (besides SoftMoon WebWare’s)
especially as it is more-or-less universal “example code”, not “our” code.
If this cluttters or conflicts with your workspace, you may simply override the global “Stylesheet” constructor.
All SoftMoon-WebWare code that use this “Stylesheet” constructor refer to SoftMoon.WebWare.Stylesheet only.
if (typeof SoftMoon !== 'object') SoftMoon={WebWare: new Object};
// If you set the title attribute of the <link> that loads the styleSheet, you may pass in a string
// containing that title attrubute value to reference the styleSheet.
// Or you may pass in the indexNumber of the styleSheet or simply the styleSheet itself.
SoftMoon.WebWare.Stylesheet=function(ss) { var i;
if (typeof ss == 'number') ss=document.styleSheets[ss];
else if (typeof ss == 'string') for (i=0; i<document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
if (document.styleSheets[i].title===ss) {ss=document.styleSheets[i]; break;} }
this.initLength=this.getRules().length; }
SoftMoon.WebWare.Stylesheet.prototype.getRules=function() {return this.ss.cssRules || this.ss.rules;}
// pass in a string of the selector text.
// returns an array of indexNumbers that refer to that rule, in ¡reverse order! found in the stylesheet.
// returns null if no match is found.
SoftMoon.WebWare.Stylesheet.prototype.getRuleIndexes=function(s) {
var rules=this.getRules();
if (!rules) return null;
var i, found=new Array;
if (s instanceof RegExp)
for (i=rules.length; --i>=0;) {if (rules[i].selectorText.match(s)) found.push(i);}
for (i=rules.length; --i>=0;) {if (rules[i].selectorText===s) found.push(i);}
if (found.length>0) return found; }
SoftMoon.WebWare.Stylesheet.prototype.insertRule=function(selector, styles, n) {
if (typeof n != 'number') n=this.getRules().length;
if (this.ss.insertRule) this.ss.insertRule(selector+'{'+styles+'}', n);
if (this.ss.addRule) this.ss.addRule(selector, styles, n);
return n; }
SoftMoon.WebWare.Stylesheet.prototype.deleteRule=function(n) {
if (typeof n == 'string') n=getRuleIndexes(n);
if (typeof n == 'number') n=[n];
if (!n instanceof Array) n=[this.getRules().length-1];
for (var i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
if (this.ss.deleteRule) this.ss.deleteRule(n);
if (this.ss.removeRule) this.ss.removeRule(n); }
return n; }